Opyt primeneniya ayurvedicheskoy diagnostiki v vosstanovitel'noy meditsinedlya rannego vyyavleniya stressogennykh rasstroystv u studentov

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Efficiency of Ayurveda's system for early diagnose of adaptation's stressful infringements has been studied with
help to technique AKT in a group of healthy youth. (AKT - ayurveda's constitutional testing). Were tested 72 men and 99 women
at the age of 18-23 years (middle age - 20,65 years). Resistance to stress was measured by value index ("HA" - indicator of
adaptation to stress). The prognosis of resistance to stress and adaptation's disorders in the value of this parameter were checked
by the analysis of the need for medical care during the year after testing. Preclinical prediction of high-level resistance to stress
with lack of morbidity during the year was confirmed by 82%. The prognosis of decreased level resistance to stress with high
risk of development of pathology is confirmed on 100%. Was been proved a significant correlation between the "НА" and the
concentration of cortisol in the blood (R = 0,641, T = 3,65, P = 0,001). This fact proves the link between morbidity and impaired
adaptation, defined by the method of the ACP at the group of clinically healthy people tested 1 year ago.


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Copyright (c) 2010 Semenova L.G., Bobkova A.S., Bobrovnitskiy I.P., Korovkina E.G.

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