Vol 9, No 4 (2010)


Potrebnost' naseleniya v pomoshchi po vosstanovitel'noy meditsine

Prilipko N.S., Bol'shakova T.M.


Methods of calculation of the population demand in rehabilitation and medical rehabilitation is based on the data of adult population morbidity on classes and groups of diseases (on MCH-10) and also on the indications and contra-indications for rehabilitation and medical rehabilitation in out-patient, outpatients clinic and in-patient conditions. Scientific-grounded data on the population demand in medical rehabilitation of patients and disable persons may become the ground for perspective planning of the development of medioprophylactic institutions, their medical specialization, effective use of bed fund, medical staff, non-medicamental methods of treatment, improvement of patients treatment effectiveness.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2010;9(4):2-4
pages 2-4 views

Psikhofiziologicheskiy aspekt tekstologii v razvitii zdorov'esberegayushchikh rechevykh tekhnologiy

Birkin A.A., Dudova L.V.


From positions of natural sciences the historical aspect of development of linguistics reveals. Application of computer technologies of diagnostics of loads of a code of speech is proved. Some results of monitoring of the speech space spent by means of given technologies are resulted. The variant of practical application of programs of a code of speech on an example of texts tasks on Russian and the literature is surveyed.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2010;9(4):5-8
pages 5-8 views

Povyshenie ustoychivosti organizma cheloveka k dlitel'nym staticheskim fizicheskimnagruzkam s pomoshch'yu kompleksa spetsial'noy silovoy podgotovki

Maryashin Y.E., Malashchuk L.S., Filatov V.N.


In article the method of rising of static endurance of the muscles used by the pilot of the plane at realization of antireloading reception is surveyed. The short substantiation is given on To basis of the analysis of the difficult muscular The efforts providing counteraction to overloads, Way of training of corresponding muscles to long static loads. On the basis of special physical exercises the complex of power preparation which has been approved on healthy men is developed Volunteers in the course of their training within three weeks. As a result of the conducted research it is shown High efficiency of a complex of the special power Exercises for rising of static endurance Muscles of a trunk, arms and the feet participating in realization Antireloading receptions, and positive dynamics in functioning of cardiovascular system At static loads.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2010;9(4):9-14
pages 9-14 views

Adaptatsionnyy potentsial serdechno-sosudistoy sistemy mal'chikov i devochekpredpubertatnogo vozrasta iz radioekologicheski neblagopoluchnykh regionov

Litvin F.B., Vasil'eva G.V., Kalosha A.I.


The analysis shows that adaptation potential of cardio-vascular system of children from favorable radio-ecological regions increases while passing the age. At the same time boys and girls from 8 to 10 from polluted radio-ecological regions have tensity of autonomus and central contour direction of cardio activity.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2010;9(4):15-18
pages 15-18 views

Puti ukrepleniya zdorov'ya i povysheniya umstvennoy rabotosposobnostishkol'nikov severnogo regiona



Iodine is an essential trace element, its deficiency leads to iodine-deficient diseases. The signs of iodine deficiency are disturbance of morph functional state of thyroid gland, other health disorders. In etiology of iodine deficiency of an organism deficiency essential microelement selenium make an important contribution. The north of West Siberia is the iodine and selenium deficiency region with unfavorable climatic - geographic conditions. Low iodine provision of native population children was established.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2010;9(4):18-21
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Informativnost' pokazatelya skorosti rasprostraneniya pul'sovoy volny, opredelennogoposredstvom analiza sinkhronnoy zapisi elektrokardiogrammy i volny davleniya



In connection with development of modern means in medical practice new noninvasive techniques are intended for screening researches, in particular for definition of pulse wave velocity. In presented article the review method based on the analysis of synchronous record of the cardiogramme and pressure are described.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2010;9(4):22-23
pages 22-23 views

Opyt primeneniya ayurvedicheskoy diagnostiki v vosstanovitel'noy meditsinedlya rannego vyyavleniya stressogennykh rasstroystv u studentov

Semenova L.G., Bobkova A.S., Bobrovnitskiy I.P., Korovkina E.G.


Efficiency of Ayurveda's system for early diagnose of adaptation's stressful infringements has been studied with help to technique AKT in a group of healthy youth. (AKT - ayurveda's constitutional testing). Were tested 72 men and 99 women at the age of 18-23 years (middle age - 20,65 years). Resistance to stress was measured by value index ("HA" - indicator of adaptation to stress). The prognosis of resistance to stress and adaptation's disorders in the value of this parameter were checked by the analysis of the need for medical care during the year after testing. Preclinical prediction of high-level resistance to stress with lack of morbidity during the year was confirmed by 82%. The prognosis of decreased level resistance to stress with high risk of development of pathology is confirmed on 100%. Was been proved a significant correlation between the "НА" and the concentration of cortisol in the blood (R = 0,641, T = 3,65, P = 0,001). This fact proves the link between morbidity and impaired adaptation, defined by the method of the ACP at the group of clinically healthy people tested 1 year ago.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2010;9(4):24-28
pages 24-28 views

Korrektsiya sindroma defitsita vnimaniya i giperaktivnosti metodomkomp'yuternogo bioupravleniya

Uspenskiy A.L., Subbotkina A.N.


Electroencephalographic Beta-stimulating training is the method of computer bio-management based on a principle of a biological feedback and traditions behavioral of psychology at which the controlled parameter becomes a Beta-rhythm of a brain. The given training represents alternative pathogenetic non-drug method of treatment of patients with a syndrome of deficiency of attention and hyperactivity.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2010;9(4):28-31
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Nelekarstvennoe lechenie depressiy nepsikhoticheskogo urovnya

Shevtsov S.A., Smekalkina L.V.


Research of efficiency of special physiotherapy exercises and integrative short-term psychotherapy at depressions of not psychotic (neurotic) level at 65 teenagers and persons of young age has shown, that the combination of these two methods allows to raise productivity of treatment considerably. Thus only one physiotherapy exercises is insufficiently effective for treatment of the given affective disorders at this age.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2010;9(4):32-34
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Svobodnye zhirnye kisloty dlya otsenki razvitiya endotoksikoza, okislitel'nogo stressai metodov ikh korrektsii v period zaversheniya i ugasaniya reproduktivnogo tsikla



Analysis of accumulation and distribution of free fat acids as substrata of lipid peroxidation in the central lymph and blood has revealed development of oxidizing stress and lymphotoxicosis as a stage of endotoxicosis in rats under condition of physiological pregnancy in final period of the reproductive cycle. The stability of peroxidation processes in dynamics of experiment is shown in the blood in comparison with the central lymph. The estimation of efficiency of EMI KVCh and natural food complex «Harmony of Forces» for stabilization of peroxidation processes in intact animals is peformed; features of influence are revealed. Lymphoprotective action of «Harmony of Forces» and effect of combined correction is shown. Preliminary influence of EMI KVCh and diet correction of food structure causes the expressed decrease in activity of oxidizing processes in the central lymph of pregnant animals. No pathological activation of peroxidation processes in the central lymph was revealed also in pregnancy which has come after combined influence of EMI KVCh and food supplement «Harmony of Forces». Data obtained via experiments testify to lymphocorrecting action of the chosen methods of rehabilitation
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2010;9(4):35-38
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Korrektsiya antioksidantami perekisnogo okisleniya lipidov na fonevvedeniya preparatov zheleza



The research is dealed with the investigation of the possibility of correction by the antioxidants of the indices of the peroxide oxidation of the lipids during the injection of the two- and trivalent iron preparations under the modelled alimentary irondeficiency anemia. The experiment has been carried out on 290 male rats. The indices of induced biokhemilyuminestsentsiа, the content of malonic dialdehyde, the activity of superoxidedismutase and catalase, the concentration of ceruloplasmin in the blood serum of experimental animals were determined in the course of the study .The obtained data testifies, that the water-soluble antioxidant of meksidol is most complementary with the preparation of bivalent iron ("Aktiferrin"), and the fat-soluble antioxidant of tocopherol acetate - with the preparation of trivalent iron (maltofer) with the short course of application.There have been recommended to provide the iron supplementation combined with antioxidants, taking into account their greatest complementarity, and to monitor the dynamics of the indices of the peroxide oxidation of the lipids while the ferro-therapy of iron-deficiency anemia is being conducted.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2010;9(4):39-42
pages 39-42 views


Razumov A.N., Malyshev V.K., Romanchuk P.I.


At the present time functional foods «Samarskiy zdorovjak» is included in complex of rehabilitative measures in treatment regimens of different diseases and plays important role in restorative medicine programs for saving and increase of active career longevity. As part of current programs of restorative medicine functional foods «Samarskiy zdorovjak» promote changes in structure of morbidity, decrease staging in different nosologies and considerably reduces proportion of medicaments.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2010;9(4):43-48
pages 43-48 views


Batrshin I.T.


37000 schoolboys in Nizhnevartovsk are surveyed by a method of computer optical topography. 79,5 % of infringements of a bearing and 14,5 % of deformations of a backbone are thus revealed. The multifactorial analysis vertebral deformations, both on separate planes, and in the multiplane form is made. The multifactorial analysis vertebral deformations, both on separate planes, and in the multiplane form is made. It is established that vertebral deformation to 10º curvatures on Coob is formed, as a rule, in the one-plane form, and after 10º curvatures - only to the multiplane form. Organizational-functional experiment on creation specialised vertebralis services in the conditions of distant region with remote areas is made. On the basis of the topographical data have been generated specific groups of health and programs screening and monitoring of inspection of children with the subsequent rehabilitation are offered.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2010;9(4):49-52
pages 49-52 views


Sonis A.G., Kolesnik I.V.


The article provides a comparative analysis of treatment of 130 patients with osteomyelitis of the lower extremities using gravitational therapy and 130 patients with conventional treatment methods. The research was conducted in clinics of the Samara State Medical University. Gravitational therapy is a new noninvasive method of physiotherapy, which was first used in the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with osteomyelitis. It is noted that the inclusion of gravitational therapy in complex treatment, significantly improves regional blood circulation, activates the reparative osteogenesis, has a positive effect on the wound process, improves the immediate and remote results of treatment, quality of life of patients with osteomyelitis of the lower extremities.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2010;9(4):52-57
pages 52-57 views


Mikhaylenko L.V., Bobrovnitskiy I.P., Nagornev S.N., Karpukhin A.V., Nagornev S.N.


As a result of the carried out research it is shown hypocholesterol and antioxydate action of a pulse magnetic field and herbal medicine, and also the most probable mechanisms of realisation of the revealed effects are considered. The comparative analysis antioxydate effects of regenerative technologies has allowed to establish the fact of expansion of radius корригирующей activity of the combined application of a magnetotherapy and phytoinhalations. The given phenomenon is considered as display antioxydate nterferences at influence of not medicamentous factors of correction липидного an exchange. The estimation and the analysis of complex influence of a magnetotherapy and phytoinhalation therapy have shown that observed modulate the effect surpasses results of monofactorial researches that proves additive character of interaction of a magnetotherapy and phytoinhalations within the limits of considered criteria. Realisation of such kind of interaction occurs at the expense of the general points modulate activity of a variable magnetic field and herbal medicine and is accompanied by growth of reguljatorno-metabolic potential of the organism providing maintenance of indicators липидного of a profile of blood within the limits of referential sizes against activation stress-limiting of reactions.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2010;9(4):58-62
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Kompleksnaya meditsinskaya reabilitatsiya bol'nykh arterial'noygipertenziey s primeneniem tsiklicheskikh i silovykh trenazherov

Litvyakova I.V., Mukharlyamov F.Y.


The results of the application of physical rehabilitation with constant monitoring of cardio-respiratory system of the patients suffering from arterial hypertension are presented. Fifty-seven patients were receiving medicament therapy in combination with physical exercises, while fifty-two patients were receiving medicament therapy only. The studies conducted demonstrated the safety and efficiency of physical exercises for patients suffering from arterial hypertension.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2010;9(4):62-64
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Kombinirovannyy metod lecheniya s interval'noy gipoksicheskoytrenirovkoy i enteral'noy oksigenoterapieyv reabilitatsii bol'nykh bronkhial'noy astmoy

Borukaeva I.K.


The study included 285 patients with bronchial asthma mild and moderate severe degree of gravity with the use of combined treatment, including interval hypoxic training and enteral oxygen therapy. This method proved most effective method of treatment of bronchial asthma. This is achieved, firstly, due to activation of mechanisms of adaptation to interval hypoxia: improving the processes of alveolar ventilation in the minute volume of breathing, normal blood circulation system, impact on different mechanisms adaptation to hypoxia and oxygen leads to significant improvement of respiratory function of blood, causing increased saturation and oxygen tension in arterial blood, arterio-venous oxygen difference, the speed and intensity of oxygen consumption of tissues, increased antioxidant system.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2010;9(4):65-68
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Neobkhodimost' spetsificheskoy reabilitatsii bol'nykh rakommolochnoy zhelezy, poluchayushchikh antiestrogennuyu terapiyu

Strazhev S.V.


Review article about the principles of specific rehabilitation for hormonsensitive breast cancer patients depending on the type antiestrogen therapy. According to the different mechanism of action of antiestrogens blockers effects: blocking estrogen receptors, steroid and nonsteroid aromatase inhibitors, were developed programs of rehabilitation, depending on the different spectrum of side effects antiestrogen medicines.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2010;9(4):69-74
pages 69-74 views


Daminov V.D., Zimina E.V., Kuznetsov A.N.


The paper presents a clinical and kinesiological examination of 12 patients after sport cord (67% male and 33% female ) in intermediate period of spinal cord trauma in motor-incomplete spinal cord injury. The cohort of patients was divided into two groups: the 1st one including 6 patients had standard rehabilitation program and trained with the help of ERIGO, the 2d - control grope ( 6 patients) had only rehabilitation program trained with the help of classic tilt-table. To estimate neurological status we used American Spinal cord Injury Association scale on the 1st and 20 th day of rehabilitation. After the rehabilitation course muscles force significantly increased and kinesiological parameters improved with the 1st group patients. It was found that effectiveness of locomotor training with the help of Erigo surpassed the effects of traditional kinesiotherapy.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2010;9(4):75-77
pages 75-77 views


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Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2010;9(4):78-
pages 78- views
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