Svobodnye zhirnye kisloty dlya otsenki razvitiya endotoksikoza, okislitel'nogo stressai metodov ikh korrektsii v period zaversheniya i ugasaniya reproduktivnogo tsikla

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Analysis of accumulation and distribution of free fat acids as substrata of lipid peroxidation in the central
lymph and blood has revealed development of oxidizing stress and lymphotoxicosis as a stage of endotoxicosis in rats
under condition of physiological pregnancy in final period of the reproductive cycle. The stability of peroxidation processes
in dynamics of experiment is shown in the blood in comparison with the central lymph. The estimation of efficiency of
EMI KVCh and natural food complex «Harmony of Forces» for stabilization of peroxidation processes in intact animals is
peformed; features of influence are revealed. Lymphoprotective action of «Harmony of Forces» and effect of combined
correction is shown. Preliminary influence of EMI KVCh and diet correction of food structure causes the expressed decrease
in activity of oxidizing processes in the central lymph of pregnant animals. No pathological activation of peroxidation
processes in the central lymph was revealed also in pregnancy which has come after combined influence of EMI KVCh and
food supplement «Harmony of Forces». Data obtained via experiments testify to lymphocorrecting action of the chosen
methods of rehabilitation


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Supplementary files

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Copyright (c) 2010 ASTAShOVA T.A., BURChAK N.N., STARKOVA E.V., ASTAShOV V.V., Morozov S.V.

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