Sovremennye tekhnologii diagnosticheskogo monitoringa funktsional'nogo sostoyaniya organizmav kachestve otsenki effektivnosti i bezopasnosti kompleksnoy fizicheskoy reabilitatsiibol'nykh arterial'noy gipertenziey

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Usage of cyclic and power simulators is the most effective technology of physical rehabilitation in arterial hypertension
patients. Safety and effectiveness are provided by using the constant monitoring of cardio respiratory system simultaneously
session. New functional diagnosis systems such as volume compressive oscillometry, heart dispersive carding and
spiroergometry are the optional for complex investigation of haemodynamics, heart electrophysiological activity, blood
pressure level, physical tolerance and clinical heart and lung functional state before and after physical rehabilitation.


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Copyright (c) 2011 Litvyakova I.V., Mukharlyamov F.Y.

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