Korrektsiya antioksidantami perekisnogo okisleniya lipidov na fonevvedeniya preparatov zheleza

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The research is dealed with the investigation of the possibility of correction by the antioxidants of the indices of the
peroxide oxidation of the lipids during the injection of the two- and trivalent iron preparations under the modelled alimentary irondeficiency
anemia. The experiment has been carried out on 290 male rats. The indices of induced biokhemilyuminestsentsiа, the
content of malonic dialdehyde, the activity of superoxidedismutase and catalase, the concentration of ceruloplasmin in the blood
serum of experimental animals were determined in the course of the study .The obtained data testifies, that the water-soluble
antioxidant of meksidol is most complementary with the preparation of bivalent iron ("Aktiferrin"), and the fat-soluble antioxidant
of tocopherol acetate - with the preparation of trivalent iron (maltofer) with the short course of application.There have been recommended to provide the iron supplementation combined with antioxidants, taking into account their greatest complementarity,
and to monitor the dynamics of the indices of the peroxide oxidation of the lipids while the ferro-therapy of iron-deficiency anemia
is being conducted.


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Copyright (c) 2010 KUZIN V.B., LOVTsOVA L.V., SOLOV'EVA T.I.

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