Otsenka effektivnosti vosstanovitel'nogo lecheniya bol'nykh s obsessivno-kompul'sivnymrasstroystvom lichnosti metodami kognitivno-povedencheskoy i ratsional'noy psikhoterapii

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The article summarizes the results of longitudinal prospective, randomized study to evaluate the effectiveness of
rehabilitation therapy is done through cognitive-behavioral and rational therapy in patients with obsessive-compulsive
personality disorder. Dynamics of the patients was assessed by the scale of the «Global Clinical Impression», an index Syshore
and the scale of subjective discomfort - before treatment, after 2 weeks, 1,3,6 months and end of treatment (approximately 1
year). Established that the combination of the methods of cognitive-behavioral and rational correction allows to achieve higher
quality care than the application of these techniques separately.


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