Kombinirovannyy metod lecheniya s interval'noy gipoksicheskoytrenirovkoy i enteral'noy oksigenoterapieyv reabilitatsii bol'nykh bronkhial'noy astmoy

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The study included 285 patients with bronchial asthma mild and moderate severe degree of gravity with the use of
combined treatment, including interval hypoxic training and enteral oxygen therapy. This method proved most effective method
of treatment of bronchial asthma. This is achieved, firstly, due to activation of mechanisms of adaptation to interval hypoxia:
improving the processes of alveolar ventilation in the minute volume of breathing, normal blood circulation system, impact on
different mechanisms adaptation to hypoxia and oxygen leads to significant improvement of respiratory function of blood, causing
increased saturation and oxygen tension in arterial blood, arterio-venous oxygen difference, the speed and intensity of oxygen
consumption of tissues, increased antioxidant system.


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