Rezul'taty kompleksnogo vosstanovitel'nogo lecheniyabol'nykh s varikoznoy bolezn'yu nizhnikh konechnostey

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Complex surgical and medical therapy was used for 40 patients with lower limb variceal disease 2nd and 3 rd form (segmental
and disseminated varices with reflux through the superficial and perforant veins) and chronic venous insufficiency stage 1
(according to the Russian classification).
While preserving the radicality, these interventions yield favorite esthetical results, reduse the time of postoperative recovery
and disability, thus, appear to be cost effective.

About the authors

E V Naumenko

S V Matveev


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Copyright (c) 2023 Naumenko E.V., Matveev S.V.

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