Pressornye i termal'nye vozdeystviya pri podgotovkek sorevnovaniyam sportsmenov razlichnykh vidov sportav period reabilitatsii posle travm

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The purpose is to check the hypothesis of the positive influence of combined enhanced external counterpulsation (EECP),
cryotherapy and physiotherapy on the period and efficiency of rehab after injuries. Design: randomized controlled trial. participants:
28 elite athletes (16 men and 12 women) after the injures aged from 16 to 35 were randomized to two groups. The athletes
did physical trainings (physiotherapy) daily for two hours 30 minutes during four weeks. Among the athletes of the main
group 24 sessions during 60 minutes of EECP by the pressure of 200-260 mm mercury column right after the standard physical
training were leaded. The estimate of physical and functional conditions of athletes was leaded by means of CPET, tests
on Biodex system. The examination was leaded before the beginning of trainings, and after 4 weeks iteratively. The indexes
of increase were compared in both groups.The advantage of indexes of functional conditions in EECP group was statistically
essential, accordingly, in the controlled main group. EECP increases the efficiency of rehab of athletes after injuries and, possibly,
is able to reduce the rehab period.


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