Faktory prognoza effektivnosti preodoleniya terapevticheskoy rezistentnosti bol'nykh tabachnoy zavisimost'yu

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Rresearched the clinical and physiological parameters of patients with tobacco dependence (TK), with resistance to standards of nicotine replacement therapy, before and after therapeutic activities aimed at overcoming the resistance. To this end, in 60 patients with TK determined the expressiveness of pathological craving to smoke tobacco (AHC), indicators of komorbidnoj affective symptoms, as well as indices of theta, Alpha and beta EEG rhythms. It is shown that the high efficiency of treatment with the cessation of resistance corresponds to full regression syndrome AHC with reduction komorbidnoj affective symptoms in conjunction with the significant increase in alpha index, theta-and beta-mežpolušarnoj asymmetry indices and smoothing


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Copyright (c) 2011 Speranskaya O.I., Kirenskaya A.V., Smirnov V.K., Larina I.G.

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