Vol 10, No 4 (2011)


Effektivnost' i bezopasnost' ranney apparatnoy vertikalizatsii pri tyazhelom i krayne tyazhelom insul'te

Sidyakina I.V.


Tactics of rehabilitation in acute and hyperacute periods of stroke are discussed in article. Hardware-based methods of verticalization are compared, their efficiency and safety are estimated. Gathered data confirm high efficiency of early mobilization. Safety is provided by multimodal monitoring of physiological rates. "Erigo" device is preferable to tilt table, including lower risk of hemodynamic abnormalities and deep vein of lower limbs thrombosis prophylactics. Predictors of hypotension episodes are: tilt table verticalization, impaired cardiac function, preliminary hemodynamic instability.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2011;10(4):2-5
pages 2-5 views

Effektivnost' «S-E-T» - terapii na fone primeneniya neyropeptidov v rannem vosstanovitel'nom periode ishemicheskogo insul'ta

Arkhipov V.V., Privalov A.N., Poloyko A.A., Shestakov P.A.


Aim. To estimate the effectiveness of early rehabilitation in patients with severe impaired motor function after stroke with exercise (Sling Exercise complex) during treatment with the neuropeptide preparation Cortexine. Material and methods. 3 group of patients after ischemic stroke with hemiparesis (severity from 1 to 3 points). All patients of groups 1 and 2, starting after 5 days of stroke, were carried out early physical training rehabilitation. The first group patients (n = 34) was used in the treatment with Cortexine 10mg i/m (course 15 days). The second group of patients (n = 36) neuropeptide drugs were not used. In the 3-d group (n = 30) physical rehabilitation is not carried out, neuropeptide drugs were not used. Results. Early use of Physical rehabilitation techniques in patients after ischemic stroke vas safe and effective, and could improve the quality of life. Appointment in the first days of treatment of ischemic stroke neuropeptide drugs and the subsequent accession of exercise rehabilitation (Sling Exercise) increases the efficiency of complex mental and physical rehabilitation, in comparison with those patients in whom neuropeptide drugs and physical rehabilitation does not apply
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2011;10(4):5-9
pages 5-9 views

Funktsional'naya elektrostimulyatsiya s BOS v programme vosstanovleniya funktsii verkhney konechnosti v ostryy period tserebral'nogo insul'ta

Kolodeznikova A.A., Churilov S.N., Ivanova G.E., Cherepakhina N.L., Skvortsova V.I.


The biology feedback (BF) is modern and actual method of rehabilitation. At the head of it is an appeal to a personality of a patient and using feedback as a source of additional information for a patient about effectiveness of performance of individual actions, movements and behavior in general. We developed the algorithm of a complex rehabilitation of a motion function of upper extremity for patients in an acute stage of cerebral stroke with using BF
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2011;10(4):10-13
pages 10-13 views

Reabilitatsiya glotaniya u patsientov s tyazhelymi zabolevaniyami i povrezhdeniyami mozga

Sidyakina I.V.


This lecturing article is dedicated to practices of swallowing function rehabilitation among patients with severe neurological and neurosurgeon disorders. Safety problem is specially elucidated. Complications of trachea prosthetics counteracting its decanulation are described in details. Author's method of swallowing efficiency estimation is enlightened. Also, a list of logopedic and physiotherapeutic methods for rehabilitation of swallowing function is given in this article
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2011;10(4):14-17
pages 14-17 views

Rezul'taty lecheniya bol'nykh s degenerativno-distroficheskimi zabolevaniyami pozvonochnika s ispol'zovaniem apparatov DRX9000 i DRX9500

Golovina T.V., D'yakov N.Y., Yushko A.A., Matveev I.V.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2011;10(4):18-21
pages 18-21 views

Neyromyshechnaya aktivatsiya - sovremennyy podkhod

Starikov S.M.


This article presents the characteristics of the main methods of activation nejromyšečnoj (nejromyšečnaâ proprioceptivnaâ; method of facilitating, Bobat method Vojta; use passive suspension systems, robotic lokomotornaâ therapy, etc.) provided a brief history of their development, given the comments of the modern terminology and comparative analysis of learning methods, depending on the nature of the violations of the physical scope of different pathologies of the nervous system
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2011;10(4):22-26
pages 22-26 views

Kliniko-patomorfologicheskie osobennosti sovremennogo techeniya pozvonochno-spinal'noy travmy

Belashkin I.I., Kochetkov A.V.


Presents some modern pathomorphological and pathophysiological aspects, clinical and morphological classification of spinal cord injury. Reviewed the clinical aspects of the periods of spinal cord injury and complications from various organs and systems
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2011;10(4):27-30
pages 27-30 views

Obzor sostoyaniya robototekhniki v vosstanovitel'noy meditsine

Razumov A.N., Golovin V.F., Arkhipov M.V., Zhuravlev V.V.


Provides a classification of Robotics used in medicine, the condition and prospects of the use of Robotics in regenerative medicine. Medical robots than other hardware have a number of advantages. This is a quick pereprogrammiruemost′, high accuracy repetition of movements that challenge, the lack of subjective factors (dobrosovesnost′), a user-friendly interface (contact psihoèmocional′nyj), partnership (for children's involvement in the game, in a variety of movements, for example, in the morning to charge). Adapting to individual characteristics (position-power management), intelligence (expertise, analysis, generation programs) increased security at the expense of adaptation, and intelligence
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2011;10(4):31-38
pages 31-38 views

Faktory prognoza effektivnosti preodoleniya terapevticheskoy rezistentnosti bol'nykh tabachnoy zavisimost'yu

Speranskaya O.I., Kirenskaya A.V., Smirnov V.K., Larina I.G.


Rresearched the clinical and physiological parameters of patients with tobacco dependence (TK), with resistance to standards of nicotine replacement therapy, before and after therapeutic activities aimed at overcoming the resistance. To this end, in 60 patients with TK determined the expressiveness of pathological craving to smoke tobacco (AHC), indicators of komorbidnoj affective symptoms, as well as indices of theta, Alpha and beta EEG rhythms. It is shown that the high efficiency of treatment with the cessation of resistance corresponds to full regression syndrome AHC with reduction komorbidnoj affective symptoms in conjunction with the significant increase in alpha index, theta-and beta-mežpolušarnoj asymmetry indices and smoothing
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2011;10(4):39-44
pages 39-44 views

Nekotorye kontseptual'no-teoreticheskie voprosy povysheniya stressoustoychivosti spetsialistov opasnykh professiy

Malashchuk L.S., Maryashin Y.E., Yudin V.E.


This article provides conceptual and theoretical study of the essence of a systematic approach to training hazardous occupations to action in extreme situations. Examines the system the mental and physiological mechanisms of professional mobility. Discusses the characteristics of psychological training in extreme activities
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2011;10(4):44-47
pages 44-47 views

Psikhofiziologicheskie pokazateli uchashchikhsya professional'nykh litseev iz ekologicheski razlichnykh rayonov bryanskoy oblasti

Kurguz R.V.


A study of Psychophysiological indicators vocational lyceums, living in areas with a variety of man-made pollution. Using Psychophysiological methods examined the status of the Central and autonomic nervous system. Identified the negative impact of high levels of toxic chemical pollution on psihofiziologičeskij status of the organism.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2011;10(4):48-50
pages 48-50 views

Immunnye mekhanizmy stimulyatsii reparativnykh protsessov v kozhe pri vozdeystvii fizicheskikh faktorov

Isaykin A.I., Shchekoldin P.I., Valamina I.E., Vlasov A.A., Bazarnyy V.V.


We studied the effect of magneto-laseric therapy, dynamic electroneurostimulatsion and ultrasound on the skin wounds healing. It is shown that stimulation of the repair processes in the tissue and accelerate wound epithelialization time. Possible mechanisms of the corrective influence of physical factors on reparative process in which the same, including - through the activation of different branch of the immune system
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2011;10(4):51-54
pages 51-54 views

Razrabotka preventivnykh mer deviantnykh form povedeniya s agressiey v studencheskoy srede s uchetom soderzhaniya khimicheskikh elementov v volosakh

Cheremushnikova I.I., Petrosienko E.S., Notova S.V.


This article deals with the problem, which often face any specialist in the field of higher education. Aggressive behavior, especially the young, the phenomenon of frequent and unpleasant phenomenon among students. Much of the negative consequences could be avoided if the development of simple diagnostic methods and preventive measures to prevent deviant behavior with a propensity for aggression. As a diagnostic biological media were used hair. Using the method of mass spectrometry and atomic emission spectrometry with inductively coupled argon plasma was investigated contents of 25 chemical elements in hair of students with different levels of aggression. First obtained data on the characteristics of the elemental status of persons with different levels of aggression manifested in a significant difference in chemical elements such as potassium, sodium, silicon, and cadmium. Arrangements for the correction of micro-and makroelementnogo status and prevention of aggressive behavior were carried out in two phases: first phase - the elimination of excessive amounts of micronutrients way enterosorbtsionnoy therapy, the shortfall of macro-and micronutrients by food correction, the second phase - development of simple and affordable way to discharge anger and aggression include: analysis of conflict situations and ways to escape from them in individual and group sessions with a psychologist, a study of aggressive feelings and sensations, the development of individual relaxation exercises, allowing learning to control his emotions and inner turmoil.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2011;10(4):55-58
pages 55-58 views

Razrabotka metodiki otsenki resursov psikhicheskogo zdorov'ya v interesakh prognozirovaniya riskov dezadaptatsii u studentov-pervokursnikov

Syrkin L.D.


The investigation under consideration concerns the search of the diagnostic criteria (markers), which reflect functional psychological abilities of fresh students during the adaptation period in higher educational institution, when life style and habits greatly change in comparison with previous socialization stages. Entrance to the high educational institution in a row of cases is connected with the place of living changing and living without parents. During the research a great attention was paid to the investigation of cognitively habitual spheres, as well as value and conceptual ones of testees and considering all the received results, the correction therapy was made. The realized methodological approaches allow to make prevention diagnostics of prenosological conditions, characterized by a high risk of distress development and adaptation mechanisms frustration with following therapy and recovery of recourse psychological abilities
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2011;10(4):59-63
pages 59-63 views

Sostoyanie reproduktivnoy sistemy muzhchin s metabolicheskim sindromom, prozhivayushchikh v ekologicheski neblagopoluchnom regione

Khlyakina O.V.


The World Health Organization categorizes metabolic syndrome the most actual problems of modern medicine and recognized the global obesity epidemic. According to the World Health Organization, the number of patients with metabolic syndrome in Europe is about 40-60 million. Metabolic syndrome is more common in men, due to the nature of the exchange of adipose tissue and its distribution in the body. For men this distribution is the central character (abdomen, visceral fat). In our country according to the Institute of nutrition Rams, obesity affects more than 20% of the population, 50% of them are men over 30 years. Overweight among men is one of the causes of violations of the reproductive function. Today beside suppressing majority practical specialist and researchers concerning with questions of male health already does not appear the doubts in that that - andrology a branch of the medical knowledges interdepartmental nature, requiring corresponding to preparation both within the framework of classical urology, and the general endocrinology for efficient decision diagnostic, medical and tactical questions of conduct sick infertyle with breach to functions
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2011;10(4):63-66
pages 63-66 views

Komp'yuternaya elektroakupunktura v lechenii bol'nykh bronkhial'noy astmoy: klinicheskaya i kliniko-ekonomicheskaya effektivnost'

Khokhlov M.P., Peskov A.B., Stuchebnikov V.M., Chumak S.N.


The purpose of the study-study of the clinical and clinical and cost-effectiveness of computer has (KÈAP) in the complex treatment of patients with bronchial asthma (BA). The study brought together 187 patients with BA (the average age is 34 years, the average duration of 3.9 years), 130 of which treatment was applied to KÈAP. Division into primary () and referentnuu (r) group produced on the basis of the application in the treatment of KÈAP (only in the Group). Survey of patients Group held prior to the study and after each course KÈAP (Group r-relevant time intervals). For a comparative analysis of method of pairs formed the ravnoсislennye subgroup from Group b. examination: monitoring indicators of external respiration function, flow protivoastmatiсeskih of medicines and clinical and economic performance (cost-efficiency "(CER), increment the efficiency (CERi)). Treatment method of KÈAP used the "hardware-software system for electropuncture stimulation KEs-01-MIDA" production of JSC "MIDAUS" (Ulyanovsk). Applying Auricular acupuncture points scheme. KÈAP conducted courses consisting of 5 sessions, with breaks between courses in 30-40 days. The Group recorded a reliable growth forced exhalation for 1 second (OFV1) after the first course in a subsequent growth rate continued. Forced vital capacity of the lungs, in the course of the study, had a tendency to increase the capacity of the lungs and life has not changed significantly. Also decrease average daily doses of fenoterola. Average cost-efficiency "(per 1% increase in OFV1) with the concomitant use of Pharmacotherapy and KÈAP below it when applying exclusively to pharmacological therapy in 1.4 times: 340.1 ± 12.7. and 470.7 ± 17.1. respectively. Cost reduction per diem protivoastmatiсeskih doses drugs when applying
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2011;10(4):67-72
pages 67-72 views

Mezhdunarodnye kongressy po «anti-aging medicine» v 2011 godu. Obzor. Itogi

Trukhanov A.
Bulletin of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2011;10(4):76-78
pages 76-78 views

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