Sostoyanie reproduktivnoy sistemy muzhchin s metabolicheskim sindromom, prozhivayushchikh v ekologicheski neblagopoluchnom regione

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The World Health Organization categorizes metabolic syndrome the most actual problems of modern medicine and recognized the global obesity epidemic. According to the World Health Organization, the number of patients with metabolic syndrome in Europe is about 40-60 million. Metabolic syndrome is more common in men, due to the nature of the exchange of adipose tissue and its distribution in the body. For men this distribution is the central character (abdomen, visceral fat). In our country according to the Institute of nutrition Rams, obesity affects more than 20% of the population, 50% of them are men over 30 years. Overweight among men is one of the causes of violations of the reproductive function. Today beside suppressing majority practical specialist and researchers concerning with questions of male health already does not appear the doubts in that that - andrology a branch of the medical knowledges interdepartmental nature, requiring corresponding to preparation both within the framework of classical urology, and the general endocrinology for efficient decision diagnostic, medical and tactical questions of conduct sick infertyle with breach to functions


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