sravnitel'nyy analiz metodov Ekspress - otsenki funktsional'nogo sostoyaniya serdechno - sosudistoy sistemy

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A comparative analysis of the functional state of the cardiovascular system of healthy subjects (female athletes) using both traditional instruments used in clinical practice (tonometer from firm «A@D Medical», Japan, the device Finometer Pro from company «Finapres», Netherlands), and new devices, offers for a rapid assessment of large numbers (spiroarteriocardiorithmograph from firm «Intoks», St. Petersburg, and EDTV from firm «Ekran», Moscow) was carried out. It was shown that the values of key hemodynamic parameters used for the diagnosis, vary in the same subjects depending on the used device. The greatest differences were found in the case of EDTV. Also it was shows that testing of the functional state for the cardiovascular system on the device spiroarteriocardiorithmograph with turned spirometric mask in conditions with voluntary breathing is accompanied by changes in respiratory parameters and gas content in the inhaled and exhaled air. These data confirm the fundamental possibility of using this test case as a loading functional test.


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Copyright (c) 2023 Pankova N.B., Arkhipova E.N., Alchinova I.B., Karganov M.Y., Fesenko A.G., Fesyun A.D., Ternovoy K.S., Abakumov A.A.

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