Regional innovation ecosystem: assessment of the effectiveness of functioning in the conditions of digitalization

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The regional innovation ecosystem is formed as a result of the development of network interactions, cooperation, cooperation and the use of innovations and open knowledge in the context of digital transformation of business processes and society as a whole. In the course of the research, the following tasks were solved: the theoretical foundations of the study of regional innovation ecosystems were clarified, modern methods were given and an integral approach to assessing the effectiveness of their functioning was developed, taking into account the digitalization factor. Calculations of the integral index and the clustering coefficient are carried out. Empirical analysis of the data made it possible to rank the regions by the value of the integral index of the effectiveness of the regional innovation ecosystem. With the help of correlation analysis, the relationships of the integral index and the cluster coefficient by type of activity are revealed. In conclusion, the limitations in the implementation of the proposed evaluation method are determined

About the authors

Elena Viktorovna Yanchenko

Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov



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