Basic principles of building high-tech company ecosystems

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New standards and forms of professional education of human resources are becoming the foundation of the modern ecosystem. Digital transformation expands the boundaries of labor resources through a simplified system of data collection and analysis, which makes it possible to form relevant requirements for the "employee of the future". The change in economic conditions leads to a change in the paradigm of the labor resources formation in the company from traditional to digital culture, based on a new mechanism for building staff ecosystems in high-tech companies. The article examines global trends affecting the system of personnel formation and functioning, the specifics of state policy regarding human resources, as well as the features of the development of new professional competencies of the future with an emphasis on the necessary transformation of education systems and its reorientation to the customization of training programs for the development of talents. The scientific and practical significance of this article is to substantiate the need to integrate digital technology into the structure of staff management in high-tech companies.

About the authors

Anastasiya Vladimirovna Danskaya

MGIMO University



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