Share economy as an independent branch of economic activity in the concept of interrelations with the new institutional economic theory

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The article presents the results of a study comparing the new institutional economic theory and the share economy at the general scientific level of knowledge of economic phenomena and processes.The substantiation of the study of the share economy in order to understand its features and the development of optimal strategies and practical solutions is presented. In addition, the study of the economic aspects of the share economy contributes to the development of a more efficient and sustainable economy, which is an important factor at present.The polemical aspect of scientific views on the formation of the share economy in the structure of the new institutional economic theory is noted through a logical and descriptive approach using a set of methods, such as deduction, analysis, and comparison.As a result of studying the theoretical foundations of the share economy, a general scientific understanding of the basis of its formation is created with a structural relationship with the new institutional economic theory. The presented views on the genesis of the considered branch of management make it possible to expand the fundamental basis of the main provisions and predetermine further directions of research. It could be the role of the share economy in economic relations, principles and approaches to assessing its effectiveness.

About the authors

Natalya Nikolaevna Tereshchenko

Siberian Federal University


Olga Aleksandrovna Yabrova

Siberian Federal University


Rimma Fanavievna Ananina

Siberian Federal University



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Copyright (c) 2023 Tereshchenko N.N., Yabrova O.A., Ananina R.F.

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