Conceptual model of a digital analytical support system for the remote management of an organisation's workforce



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The authors discuss problems related to the requirements for digital dynamic employee management systems, taking into account their remote work. The purpose of the article was to formulate requirements for a conceptual model of a digital analytical decision support system for remote personnel management to improve the development plans' effectiveness. The functional requirements for the dynamic task management system of employees are considered. The necessary interactions, such as incoming and outgoing data, are analyzed. A conceptual model based on goals and best practices is substantiated. Functional requirements for the conceptual model of a dynamic employee task management system based on active feedback are formulated. A conceptual model of a dynamic management system for remotely working employees is proposed. It allows evaluating their work and managing changes. The basic requirements for a system that will allow companies and employees to flexibly plan, register and analyze their workload and productivity are outlined. The transition of the management system and remote interaction of employees to real-time mode will increase the client focus of the campaign and the work efficiency. The proposed approach is designed to help the company's management to prioritize the further development of relations with employees by increasing the level and quality of feedback and innovation activity. This article may be of interest to researchers studying innovative trends in management, staff efficiency improvement and digitalization. The research results can also be useful for practical managers who develop and implement corporate digital transformation strategies.

Sobre autores

Viktor Abramov

National Research Nuclear University MEPhI


Igor Abramov

Globatek JSC


Kirill Polivanov

Institute of Applied Information Technologies


Konstantin Semenkov

Institute of Applied Information Technologies



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Declaração de direitos autorais © Abramov V.I., Abramov I.V., Polivanov K.V., Semenkov K.Y., 2023

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