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Volume 13, Nº 6 (2023)


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Optimal business models for domestic companies under sanctions restrictions

Maksimtsev I., Kostin K., Lukashenko D., Onufrieva O.


The authors analyze the optimal business models for Russian companies under sanctions restrictions. The SWOT analysis of production processes was carried out. The corresponding changes in the market, in a competitive environment, as well as in the implementation of innovative solutions are analyzed. The key factors determining the sustainability of modern companies, as well as relevant modern market conditions and consumer preferences are identified. It is shown that the development of new business models based on innovative activity is the driving force for the successful development companies under sanctions restrictions.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(6):1729-1746
pages 1729-1746 views

Managing innovative companies

Verenikina A.


This article explores different approaches to the management of innovative companies and innovative activities. Without proper and effective management, without their strategic development, it is impossible to build a profitable company. The success of the national economy directly depends on innovative activities. This underlines the relevance of the research topic. The author considers the problem of managing innovative companies and reveals the principles of their management. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the author's developed information and structural management model. The article will be of interest to undergraduate, graduate students and professional economists.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(6):1747-1758
pages 1747-1758 views

Ecosystem approach to the development of creative clusters

Abuzyarova M.


The article discusses the prospects of creative ecosystems based on the development and transformation of domestic creative clusters. The specifics of the creative cluster and the features of the creative ecosystem are determined. The research results reflect the accumulated practice and contain the first methodological generalizations that may be of interest to the heads of organizations engaged in participating in digital transformation as well as students and postgraduates interested in this topic.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(6):1759-1770
pages 1759-1770 views

Creative industry start-ups in grantee projects

Shaymieva E., Kokurina A., Gumerova G.


The article discusses the practical content of creative industry startups in the Russian economic space. The research focuses on startups of creative industries that have become grantees in the Russian economic space within the framework of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives. The research is based on the results of nine competitions held from 2021 to the present in the nomination "Project Type: Startups of Culture, Art and Cultural Initiatives" of the Presidential Foundation for Cultural Initiatives. In a comparative analysis of startups of creative industries-grantees and regions-leaders in the contribution of creative industries to the regional economy (as the results of research projects of leading Russian scientific schools), Russian cities and regions were identified that reveal the maximum indicators of activity in the field of startups of culture, art and creative industries-winners of the Presidential Fund for Cultural Initiatives. For the analyzed period (2021-2023), they are as follows: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk region and the Republic of Tatarstan. The results of the study can be used by specialists for the formation of the startup industry in the Russian economic space, including the startup industry of creative industries, specialists of public administration, commercial structures and educational organizations dealing with the development of startups.FUNDING: The article was carried out with the scholarship support of Kazan Innovation University named after V.G. Timiryasov.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(6):1771-1784
pages 1771-1784 views

Involvement in entrepreneurship: education and professional development effect

Ustinova K., Akindinova M.


The activity of entrepreneurship is associated with intellectual resources. Their reproduction is determined by the importance of education and advanced training. The high value of education is shown regardless of belonging to a particular population group. The need to strengthen the intentions to do business and build entrepreneurial competencies arises when increasing the entrepreneurial status and career in society in order to create a system of social and cultural norms that promote entrepreneurship. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the development and testing of tools for conducting a comparative analysis between different groups of entrepreneurs regarding the impact of educational and qualification level on these groups. These entrepreneurs view entrepreneurship as a way of professional self-realization or as a source of vulnerability. A study of groups of entrepreneurs was conducted from the standpoint of consistency and inconsistency between the requirements of jobs and qualifications, as well as abilities, inclinations. The article focuses on the attitude to education, the study of professional prospects, professional development, depending on the characteristics of individual entrepreneurship and self-employment. The article is interesting for the scientific community discussing the involvement of the population in entrepreneurship, factors influencing this process (professional vocation, qualification and educational level). Certain provisions are of interest to the authorities in terms of implementation of a policy for retraining and advanced training of population groups linking or planning to link their activities with entrepreneurship.FUNDING:The study was carried out within the framework of the state task no. FMGZ-2022-0002 "Methods and mechanisms of socio-economic development of Russian regions in the context of digitalization and the Fourth Industrial Revolution".
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(6):1785-1802
pages 1785-1802 views

Market movement in the e-commerce segment: the future belongs to marketplaces

Denisov I., Tsalkovskiy V., Suraev N.


This article explores the role of marketplaces in the development of the e-commerce market, reveals the essence of marketplaces, the history of their development and the prospects for the future of this market segment. A comparative analysis of marketplaces and online stores is also carried out. It is noted that in modern conditions it is possible to identify such trends in the development of marketplaces as a powerful increase in operators, an increase in the level of interest in marketplaces on the part of entrepreneurs, the expansion of distribution channels for goods, and an increase in species diversity on platforms. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the e-commerce market segment is actively developing and growing, mainly due to the development and scaling of such a business model as marketplaces. Now marketplaces are an effective tool, a platform that offers favorable conditions for all participants in the business model: operators, sellers and buyers.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(6):1803-1816
pages 1803-1816 views

The main trends in the development of own brands and assortment matrix under their aegis amidst socio-economic transformations in Russia

Beletskiy M.


The article identifies the key trends in the development of private brands and product range. Their actualization together with a number of other anti-crisis measures allowed the vast majority of retail chains to successfully mobilize resources in an extremely short time, combine efforts in tandem with strategic business partners and cope with a series of unprecedented shocks of the initial period of the paradigm shift of Russia's economic development.The authors pay attention to the characteristics of the mistakes most often made when choosing and implementing branded, as well as assortment solutions at the strategic, tactical and operational levels, and identify a number of threats caused by this factor.The results of the study may have both theoretical value and practical significance for experts specializing in the analysis of the consumer market and the retail sector, in particular, for representatives of the trading companies' management, for manufacturers (suppliers) of goods and services, as well as other participants of the value chain of the product mix for retail and other stakeholders.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(6):1817-1834
pages 1817-1834 views

Analysis of opportunities for improving niche products to increase customer satisfaction

Tokarev B.


The research is devoted to the study of market niches features, in particular, the definition of marketing opportunities for the development of market niches based on a deeper understanding the consumer and optimization consumer properties of a niche product. The analysis of the prospects for the development of the niche allows to conclude that it is important to correlate the product with the requirements of niche consumers. The article analyzes the areas of work on in-depth analysis of the needs and values of niche consumers. Both categories play an important role in the existence of niches that are organically dependent on their consumers. It is shown that deepening into the mechanism of value assessments of consumers provides good opportunities for the effective development of niche products. Understanding value orientations allows to determine the target audience more accurately. The article analyzes the approach to the development of a niche product by optimizing the consumer properties of the product, which allows expanding its target audience. The concept is based on the Kim and Mauborgne model, which allows optimizing consumer characteristics. The possibilities of applying Kano's search models for improvement of consumer properties, conjoint analysis and Zwicky's morphological matrix are considered. The possibilities of improving the consumer properties of a niche product based on the analysis of consumer experience are studied. It is shown that at different stages of consumer interaction with a niche product, there are resources to increase customer satisfaction. Approaches to the search for such solutions are discussed. The ways of applying the considered models in practice are shown.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(6):1835-1852
pages 1835-1852 views

Audience analysis techniques for launching a new product

Grosheva Y., Shpak D.


Investing in audience research and analysis for a new product launch is the best investment in any business, as information on the portrait of the potential consumer, needs and financial capacity will provide the basis for finding the best business development strategy. Target audience research allows to determine pricing and sales promotion methods with a high degree of accuracy and to choose the most appropriate communication channels for business promotion, which will increase the frequency with which potential customers ask for the purchase of the product. This article presents modern methods of target audience research, identifies the main characteristics of potential consumers of a new educational product and conducts a comprehensive study of the audience of an educational product on mobile video editing.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(6):1853-1864
pages 1853-1864 views

Food loyalty factors and criteria in the management of consumer preferences

Ketova N., Vardanyan A.


The marketing mechanism for managing the loyalty of consumers of food products in modern conditions is represented by numerous PR and advertising tools. They are largely formed by factors based on the loyalty of the target audience. At the same time, consumer loyalty is a dynamic process; and loyalty factors change over time. This means that the marketing mechanism of loyalty management should also be dynamic. The key criteria influencing the consumer's choice are analyzed; the peculiarities of forming consumer loyalty are evaluated. In addition, the factors that most significantly affect the loyalty of consumers of food products and determine changes in the marketing mechanism of loyalty management are taken into account. It was the identification of this dependence by the authors and the systematization of consumer loyalty factors that predetermined the scientific significance of the article. The information base of the submitted materials was made up of the results of a consumer survey conducted to identify the quality of sales organization in the stores of the Magnit. The authors' proposals on improving the marketing mechanism for managing the loyalty of consumers of food products are presented.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(6):1865-1876
pages 1865-1876 views

Banking ecosystems: essence, typology and modern approaches to regulation in Russia

Tarkhanova E., Borisov D., Tarkhanova A., Fritsler A.


Banking ecosystems are an innovative form of the banking business due to the digitalization of modern society, the global digital transformation of commercial, financial and credit activities and the growing popularity of the ecosystem approach. The COVID-19 pandemic and the massive transition to a remote work format have stimulated the active digital transformation of the banking business and, accordingly, the ecosystem of Russian commercial banks. Currently, the development of banking ecosystems in Russia is in its infancy, which indicates the need for a conceptual approach to their regulation. The article is devoted to the study of these problematic issues related to the study of the essence, typology and modern approaches to the legal regulation of banking ecosystems. The authors discuss the latest trends in the development of digital banking ecosystems in Russia in the face of global challenges and geopolitical risks.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(6):1877-1888
pages 1877-1888 views

ESG data for commercial banks and economic security

Sigova M., Dolbezhkin V., Kruglova I.


The purpose of the study is to formulate objective specific risks to the economic security of commercial banks generated by the requirements of the sustainable development concept and aggregate recommendations for managing these risks. A comprehensive approach to the object of research was used. The following general scientific methods of analysis were applied: concretization, deduction, comparison, generalization of examples and statistical data from specialized scientific sources. The problems of introducing new data management into traditional decision-making schemes on the example of lending are considered. The problem of technical debt caused by the continuous development of the commercial bank information infrastructure, including connection with the growing needs of ESG information processing, is highlighted. A high estimate of the probable costs of technical debt repayment is shown. It poses a real threat to the operational stability of the bank. Based on the analysis of well-known foreign experience in solving such problems, the authors present recommendations to Russian commercial banks on managing new risks. Large volumes of ESG data should meet the requirements of the sustainable development concept. They can significantly affect the economic security of a commercial bank, through the complication of operational processes, the level and growth of operational risks caused by a decrease in lending profitability. And the need for machine processing of large weakly structured data also creates an additional burden on the information infrastructure and entails an increase in operating costs critical for economic security.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(6):1889-1900
pages 1889-1900 views

Approaches to pricing in auditing

Arabyan K.


The problem of pricing in auditing is significant and requires a prompt solution. The lack of rational decisions on this problem has an extremely negative impact on the development of auditing and the prestige of the audit profession. Despite the fact that the influx of new personnel in the industry is critically low, the salary of auditors remains unreasonably low and does not correspond to the professional competencies, knowledge and experience of auditors. The lack of a unified position on this problem negatively affects the development of audit activities, as it leads to an unreasonable and uncontrolled reduction in prices for audit services and the loss of the significance of the audit. The article substantiates the need to adopt a unified pricing approach in auditing.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(6):1901-1910
pages 1901-1910 views

Discounted payback period and variant approach to determining the initial investments in investment project scenarios

Guzhev D.


The revelance of the study is due to the fact that generally accepted domestic and foreign, as well as international methods for evaluating the effectiveness of investments in terms of dynamic performance parameters, including the discounted payback period of an investment project, do not link its calculations at the stages of the life cycle of the investment project. These methods do not involve making adjustments to the calculation of the discounted payback period, as the progressive implementation in the life cycle of the investment project, and a corresponding increase in the accuracy of the estimate of the volume of initial investments determinated at successive stages of the investment project. The modern studies also do not fully disclosed the highlighted issues, especially taking into account the variable approach to the assessment of initial investments determined at various stages of the investment project. In order to improve the efficiency of investments, this study proposes an approach to determining the discounted payback period of investments, taking into account the variable assessment of initial investments, in the context of the life cycle of implementation investment project. The results of the study can be applied in the practice of investment projects implementation, including state financial participation.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(6):1911-1926
pages 1911-1926 views

Digital integration of Russian industry: significance and features of development in modern conditions

Dontsova O., Timonina A.


The article is devoted to the analysis of the significance and features of the digital integration development of Russian industry. The foreign experience of influencing the acceleration of digital integration and the creation of a single digital space is examined. The features of its adaptation within the framework of the Russian economy, which is experiencing a new stage of its development, are revealed. Technological breakthroughs are becoming not just a driver of economic growth, but a mandatory requirement for ensuring effective activity. In this case, the basis for building a successful digital economy is the digitalization of domestic industry, i.e. the complex transformation of all processes within an industrial company based on innovative technology. The authors propose the key directions of digital integration development. The results of the study are of interest to researchers dealing with the problems of implementing digital integration on the basis of domestic industrial companies.FUNDING:The article is based on the results of research carried out at the expense of budgetary funds under the state assignment to the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation 2023.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(6):1927-1942
pages 1927-1942 views

Institutional framework and perspectives of the industry for processing, recycling and neutralization of industrial waste within sustainable economic development

Zakupen T.


The article is devoted to the problem of ecosystem contamination with industrial waste, including phosphoric mineral fertilizers in the chemical industry. The environmental impact of phosphogypsum is a big problem for the implementation of the concept of sustainable economic development in the Russian Federation. The foreign experience of economic development and state regulation of waste processing industry is analyzed. The system of industrial waste management that has developed over decades in Russia requires a radical restructuring in favor of waste treatment and disposal technologies that are effectively used in the world economy. The insufficiency of real economic levers and mechanisms for the implementation of the goals and objectives of the Ecology National Project in the Russian Federation is noted. The reasons for the lack of business interest in investing in the development of the waste recycling industry are revealed.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(6):1943-1962
pages 1943-1962 views

Minimizing environmental risks in the process of building a green economy

Gorodnova N., Sokolov S.


Technogenic and anthropogenic activities are accompanied by environmental risks that pose serious danger and significant damage to the health of the population and the environment. This implies the need for an objective assessment of the potential threats of the technology used for nature and subsequent generations and the development of a new paradigm of sustainable economic development. Solving problems related to the energy transition and green transformation is becoming even more urgent in the current economic conditions and requires the formation of new principles of management. The article is devoted to the assessment of environmental risks and the development of directions for their prevention and minimization. The scientific novelty consists in generalizing the experience of building a green economy, developing the conceptual and categorical apparatus of risk theory, expanding the classification of environmental risks and clarifying the algorithm for forming the company's environmental strategy.It is concluded that in the conditions of the energy transition, the implementation of the environmental strategy for Russian companies is one of the most promising areas of development. In the course of the study, the hypothesis about the need to take into account regional environmental features and assess the likelihood of environmental threats was confirmed.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(6):1963-1982
pages 1963-1982 views

Renovation of industrial heritage: environmental and economic aspects

Rumyantseva A., Samoylov E., Berezyuk M., Plastinina Y.


The need for renovation of abandoned industrial facilities and territories is relevant for all industrially developed areas around the world. An idle industrial area entails a number of environmental and social problems. The easiest way out, if necessary, to solve the situation with abandoned industrial facilities is to demolish old structures and plan the construction of new buildings and structures. Renovation is an alternative solution. It is a modern and effective approach to the adaptation of abandoned industrial facilities. The author provides the justification and consideration of ecological and economic aspects in the renovation of industrial heritage. The organizational and financial plan of the project to create a creative cluster as part of the renovation of the former ironworks in the city of Sysert in the Sverdlovsk region was drawn up. Based on the calculations performed, the indicators of the ecological and economic efficiency of the project were obtained.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(6):1983-1996
pages 1983-1996 views

Strategic analysis of Gazprom Neft oil company amid the structural changes in the global oil market

Flegontov N.


The research provides a comprehensive assessment of the current state and prospects of Gazprom Neft oil company amid the predicted changes in the global oil market. The relevance of the topic is based on the importance of vertically integrated oil companies for Russia’s economy, its energy policy and diplomacy. Modern trends in the global economy, characterized by significant volatility, has changed the macro environment for Russian oil and gas companies, including Gazprom Neft, and made it necessary to assess the compliance of their potential with the expected challenges. The article predicts the main changes in the global oil market in the long run, reveals the strategic industry factors and conducts a competitive analysis of Gazprom Neft’s business. Particular attention is paid to the assessment of the company’s dynamic capabilities and the analysis of its main assets taking the expected market changes into account. In order to adapt company’s resources to the new macro environmental conditions, some adjustments in the corporate strategy are proposed. In conclusion, the author underlines that Gazprom Neft has a significant potential for successful operation in the future market. However, the company needs to pay special attention to increasing business diversification, raising the share of foreign assets and creating infrastructure in the Asia-Pacific region.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(6):1997-2018
pages 1997-2018 views

Conceptual bases of the state policy in the field of railway transport amidst external constraints

Drobot E., Makarov I., Sheozhev K., Kolesnikov V., Volodina A.


Currently, Russia is facing the exhaustion of previous models of economic development with a liberal orientation. Thus, our country is actually at a crossroads between returning to a planned economy system, with an obvious ideological tilt towards the revival of the USSR, staying within the market economy, or forming a special model of a mobilization economy combining planned and market methods of management. The same dilemma will inevitably arise when determining the regulatory model of the national railway transport system. The authors of the article are inclined to a mixed model of economic development. As a criterion basis for the formation of the state policy of the railway transport evolution, it is proposed to start from the parameters of the economic life intensity in the particular territories and the expected dynamics of their development. FINANCINGThe article was prepared based on the results of research carried out at the expense of budgetary funds under the state assignment of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(6):2019-2028
pages 2019-2028 views

Migration and rural tourism: mutual influence and ways of development

Ganebnyh E., Lesnyh N., Saveleva N., Sozinova A.


In modern Russia, there is an active centripetal migration of the rural population. This leads to economic and social decline and even the disappearance of small settlements. The article highlights the main causes of migration outflow. The main purpose of the research was to analyze the possibilities of rural tourism to positively influence these causes. The authors' model of the impact of migration on the development of rural tourism and the outflow of population from rural areas clearly shows the importance of the idea of its development, as well as a well-thought-out marketing strategy for the transformation of the territory to receive state support and funding from various sources. This can be considered as the goals and objectives of further research. The results of the article can serve as a basis for further research, as well as can be used to justify the feasibility of rural tourism development.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(6):2029-2040
pages 2029-2040 views

Balancing the rights and obligations of medical staff and patients in the healthcare delivery via telemedicine

Chililov A., Kadyrov F., Mamaev M.


The increasing relevance of digital technology in healthcare and emerging regulatory gaps represent an urgent problem that needs to be addressed. Healthcare delivery via telemedicine leads to complex legal relations between medical organizations in general, medical staff and patients. The article considers the system of such relations primarily from the point of view of the rights and obligations of the parties to remote interaction.The peculiarities of the realization of citizens' rights to choose a medical organization and a doctor in order to receive telemedicine services are revealed. The emerging limitations caused by the specifics of the parties' relations during remote interaction are determined. The areas of legal regulation that require improvement are highlighted.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(6):2041-2054
pages 2041-2054 views

Retrospective assessment of regional economic development taking into account socially responsible management and doing business

Zubkov M., Zhakhov N., Gubanova E., Novoselskiy S.


The article is devoted to a retrospective assessment of the regional economic development taking into account socially responsible management and doing business. The performed analytical diagnostics was carried out in the projection of the interaction of government structures and representatives of the business community. The mechanism of interaction between government and business is generally multidimensional in nature, as it has a huge number of points of contact. The versatility of the studied issues required highlighting the most relevant aspects of the relationship between government and business in the framework of the regional social policy. The article deals with issues that somehow intersect with the regional social policy. The relevance of diagnostics of the regional socio-economic development to improve the efficiency of its development management is substantiated. The analysis of key economic indicators of the Smolensk region development is carried out. The dynamics of criteria reflecting the standard of living in the region is considered. The most significant indicators of business development and production potential of the Smolensk region are evaluated. The results of the interaction between government and business to solve the most important social problems of the population are characterized.The research results done can be used to find reserves for optimizing the regional management system and expanding the potential of corporate social responsibility.Funding:The publication was made under the state task for 2023 No. 0851-2020-0034.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(6):2055-2068
pages 2055-2068 views

State economic policy of spatial efficiency amidst external constraints

Makarov I., Drobot E., Sheozhev K., Sukhina Y., Volodina A.


The article is devoted to substantiating the need to develop and actively apply the tools of state economic policy amidst external constraints. The authors have carried out a classification of such restrictions and the consequences and risks arising from them for the domestic economy. The development trends of the country’s economic system due to the special military economy and the collective West reaction are also revealed. The tools of the state policy of increasing spatial efficiency are proposed.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(6):2069-2080
pages 2069-2080 views

Regional peculiarities in the households' resource endowment (on the materials of the Republic of Crimea)

Tsyokhla S., Kirilchuk S.


Amidst large-scale transformations and external challenges, the state policy is aimed at implementing social programs and increasing the population's welfare. The article is devoted to the study of resource availability and sources of income formation of modern households. The importance of considering the state of households is due to the need for information on the availability of resources for planning and willingness to pay for consumption, life support and development costs. The review of thematic publications confirms the insufficient knowledge of regional specifics of households, their characteristics and effectiveness in different territories. The purpose of the article was to reflect the research results of the structure and volume of household resources in the Republic of Crimea and to determine the prospects for their growth. Empirical methods and data analysis were used to study the statistical materials of the household budget survey. The analysis of the composition of household resources in the Republic of Crimea is carried out. The features of seasonality of economic activity in the region and the location of a large number of households in rural areas are determined. It is proposed to use the conditions of multiple employment and self-employment in solving the problems of increasing the monetary income of households in the region, improving the standard of living and ensuring development. The obtained research results can be used in the study of approaches to ensure the financial security of households, as well as specialists in the study of the specifics of domestic work, and researchers in the assessment of prospects for the development of the household economy.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(6):2081-2090
pages 2081-2090 views

Remote employment in the Tyumen region in 2021-2023

Simonova A., Pit V., Giltman M., Gromenko A.


The article discusses the results of a monitoring study of remote vacancies in the Tyumen region. A comparative analysis, trends and dynamics of remote vacancies over the past three years are given. In addition, the key skills and requirements of employers for remote job seekers are highlighted; and the top companies offering the largest number of remote vacancies in the labor market of the Tyumen region are listed. Additionally, the results of in-depth interviews with specialists from the Tyumen region employed at remote work are presented. The issues of remote employment among specialists of the region with higher education, their willingness to continue working remotely in the future are considered. According to experts, the pros and cons of remote work are highlighted. Based on the conducted in-depth interviews, an attempt to identify the most relevant trends in the labor market in the field of remote employment was made. An assessment of the remote employment problems and difficulties was given. An analysis of preferences in the employment format was carried out. The study shows that the level of satisfaction with the remote employment format among specialists is high.FUNDING:The research was carried out with the financial support of the RFBR and the Tyumen Region within the framework of the scientific project No. 20-410-720004.
Journal of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Law. 2023;13(6):2091-2114
pages 2091-2114 views

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