Features of Legal Regulation of the Names of Biomedical Cell Products



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Today, the rapid development of science and technology has led to the development of new, completely different technologies, different from traditional ones. First, it affected the sphere of biotechnology. A lot of research is being done to create biomedical cell products. However, the introduction of such products into production and their practical application involves a number of legal issues, including the naming of biomedical cell products. The relevance of the topic of this study is because in the Russian Federation, the legal regulation of BMCP is at an early stage, but this issue is of great importance for the introduction of such products and their certification on the market. The purpose of the study is to consider the features of the legal regulation of the names of biomedical cell products. Research methodology: analysis of the legal regulation of the names of biomedical cell products. The novelty of the study lies in the consideration of the features of the legal regulation of the names of biomedical cell products

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Sobre autores

Anastasia Davidenko

Educational Institution of the Trade Unions of Higher Professional Education “Academy of Labor and Social Relations” (OUP VO “ATiSO”)

Email: nastya.anastasya96@yandex.ru
postgraduate student at the Department of Civil Law and Procedure Moscow, Russian Federation


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