
National-State Identity in the Context of Global Confrontation: The Problem of the Stability of Social Systems
Shabrov O.F.
Evolution of the Institute of Elections in the Structure of Organization and Functioning of the Modern Russian State
Turkova E.V., Bochanov M.A., Popov S.I.
Concerning the Role of the National Idea in the History of Civilizations
Blinova M.A., Gusev V.E.
Spiritual and Moral Foundations of Christian Doctrine and its Development in the History of Russian Orthodox Thought
Borzova E.P., Kovalev A.A.
Social credit system in China: experience and prospects for implementation in Russia
Zhang W.
A Special Historical Path of Russian Civilization in the Context of the Modern World Order
Kazanina L.Y., Koltsov D.E.
N.O. Lossky on State Power: Cognitive Analysis and Modern Context
Ksenofontov V.N.
State National Policy in the Republic of Karelia: Features of Institutional Design
Bikeikin M.E., Bakhlov I.V.
Russia’s “soft power” in Kazakhstan: cultural and economic aspects
Aleshchenko P.S., Kerimov A.A.
Features of the Russian “soft power” at the present stage of development
Kerimov A.A., Aleshchenko P.S.
Dolenko D.V., Makshaeva E.N., Malchenkov S.A.
Institute for Contemporary International Studies of Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
Karpovich O.G., Shangaraev R.N.
The problem of the historical path of Russia in theory and politics
Dolenko D.V., Makshaeva E.N., Malchenkov S.A.
The influence of the rotation of the governor’s corps on federal relations in modern Russia
Markov R.S.
Images of the West in the Russian political discourse and strategy of Russia
Dolenko D.V., Makshaeva E.N., Malchenkov S.A.
Historical and legal issues of local self-government development local governments in Russia
Eremin A.R., Grishin V.V.
Legal Foundations and Problems of Ensuring National Security in Modern Russia
Mankieva A.V., Voropaev I.G., Reshetnyak S.R.
Parliamentarism in the System of Ensuring the National Security of Modern Russia
Kerimov A.A., Shebzukhova F.A.
Social, psychological and legal aspects of the probation service foreign countries
Gabaraev A.S., Timofeeva T.N.
The “War of Brands” of Manufacturers of Robotic Autonomous (Unmanned) Weapons Systems, Equipped and not Equipped with Artificial Intelligence (Drones), and the Boundaries of the Application of Patents and Know-how
Belikova K.M.
The Syrian Conflict: Strategic Goals of Russia and the USA
Antoshchenko D.V.
Dimension of Political Science in Russian Identity of the Past and Present
Asonov N.V.
To the question of responsibility for training for the purpose of implementing terrorist activities in the Russian Federation
Akkaeva H.A.
Civilization Transformations of Russia in Foreign Social Philosophy
Malchenkov S.A.
Promising Areas of Chinese-Russian Tourism Cooperation in the Arctic
He X.
Research of theoretical issues of implementation of network contracts (smart contracts) on the example of Russia and foreign countries
Belikova K.M.
The Ways to Strengthen Cooperation between China and Russia in the Field of Low-carbon Energy (in the Context of the Global Trend of “Carbon Neutrality”)
Han H., Chu L.
The Socio-economic Situation of Finnish Product Companies in Russia in the Context of the Embargo and the COVID-19 Pandemic
Lagoyko A.G., Egorova A.I.
Political role and specificity of regional parliamentarism in conditions of modern Russia
Melnikov A.G.
20 Years of the SCO: On Transport Cooperation in the SCO Space
Zhang X., Liang Y.
Dynamics of Situational and Long-term Risks of Regional Ethno-political Stability (Based on the Materials of the Krasnodar Territory and other Regions of Southern Russia)
Yurchenko I.V., Dontsova M.V., Yurchenko N.N.
NATO’s Eastward advance is a threat to Russia’s security as the main subject of the Russian world
Ksenofontov V.V.
Analysis of the Political Processes of Modern International Relations in Northeast Asia Based on the Theory of L.N. Gumilev
Nikiforov S.V.
Digital Space and Political Stability of Russia
Gadzhiev K.A.
Zhou W.
Integration of the initiative «One Belt, One Road» and the Greater Eurasian Partnership: prerequisites, motives and priorities for implementation
Chu L.
Conflicts Between Russia and the Republic of Belarus in the Oil and Gas Sector in the Context of Political Integration Processes in the Eurasian Space
Raihert A.V., Tereshina E.A.
Application of Artificial Methods of Reproduction in Russia and Kazakhstan: Comparative and Legal Analysis of Legislative Regulation
Dovnar A.N.
1 - 38 of 38 Items

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