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This paper aims to resolve the problem of explicating the comprehension of the congruence of psychological, philosophical and cultural contexts of intellectual and affective phenomena. The understanding of context correlation frees cognition of assumptions that may seem obvious, yet may not always be relevant to the problems it is facing; due to this fact, M. Foucault has already engaged in reconstructing the history of discourse and context evolution and the problem of their correlation. The idiosyncrasies and the success of the psychological study of intellect and emotion depend on worldview and metaphysical, essentially, on philosophical axioms of any given approach to these phenomena. Evaluation of their significance requires an explication of their contents and function in connection with the psychological agenda, which determines the relevance of the set problem’s resolution. The following methods were used in writing this article: literature analysis, analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, comparison, generalization, historical method. In regard to the apparent congruence of the contexts of understanding intellect and affect, the following conclusion is made: in order to resolve the problem of the foundations that psychological research relevant to thoughts and emotions should be based on, we have to turn to the denotations associated with them in various cultures (especially in the European culture), to track the refraction of these denotations in the philosophical discourse, to elucidate which of them have taken root in psychology, to evaluate their adequacy to the educational goals we have set, and to attempt to construct (or to search through the annals of philosophy) a categorical apparatus optimal for the study of intellect and affect. It’s expedient to use the research results to further develop the intellectual and emotional phenomena study methodology. The psychological conclusions on the correlation between intellect and affect that can be obtained using the proposed algorithm are likely to be relevant in the spheres where mutual influence of intellect and emotions needs to be taken into account (education, mentoring, politics, advertising, etc.), hence the practical value of this paper. In particular, we believe it is necessary to research the problem of the interaction between intellect and affect in education with the goal of overcoming the existing gap between education and mentoring; while an integrated educational process would have a significant social impact. The article may also be useful for psychologists and cultural and social studies scholars since it contains an original explication of the correlation of discourses that they operate with in conjunction with specific phenomena that are also capable of eliciting their professional interest.

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Ekaterina Zvonova

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

PhD in Philosophy, Department of Sociology, History and Philosophy


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