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The family as a social institution is going through difficult times. The United Nations indicates that the United States is third in the world in the number of divorces: 4.34 cases per 1000 people, about 40 percent of first marriages and 60 percent of remarriages break up [10;860]. Statistics in Russia are no better. In 2017, according to the Federal State Statistics Service, there were 4.2 divorces per 1000 people, the first half of 2019 was 4.0. It is noted that the number of marriages in Russia is falling. According to state statistics, the number of marriages from 1,049,735 in 2017 decreased to 893,039 in 2018. [9] As the United States Child Support Council (CSEC) has indicated, the growing number of parents deliberately avoiding their responsibilities to their children has become a national problem. Today, more than $ 106 billion in child support remains unpaid. [25]. The strengthening of administrative methods of influence on dishonest payers shows its inefficiency. Contracting regulation of parents by the issue of the maintenance of their children is attracting more and more attention of jurists. The contractual regulation of maintenance obligations has positive aspects, including the speedy resolution of controversial issues, the individualization of regulated obligations, the reduction of the psycho-traumatic effect on the psyche of children, and the saving of expenses on court cases. On the other hand, given the special nature of regulated relations, the need to ensure the protection of children, the conditions and procedure for concluding such agreements should be carefully worked out. The purpose of this study is a comparative study of theoretical and practical problems of identifying the subjects of an agreement on the support of minor children in Russia and the United States to determine effective mechanisms for protecting the interests of minor children in the breakup of the family.




Yulia Artemyeva

Law Institute RUDN University

PhD in Law, associate professor, associate professor of Civil Law of the Department of Civil and Civil Procedural Law and Private International Law


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