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Objective. To investigate the species and generic composition and antibiotic susceptibility of the oropharyngeal microbiota in respiratory infectious and inflammatory diseases. Subjects and methods. 189 patients with chronic rhinitis/chronic nasopharyngitis, allergic rhinitis, acute nasopharyngitis etc. were examined. Swabs were collected from the posterior pharyngeal wall and tonsils; the isolates were identified by classic physiological and biochemical tests. Antibiotic susceptibility was assessed by a disk diffusion method. Results. A total of 495 microbial isolates were obtained; 25 genera and 28 species were identified. There was a preponderance of Staphylococcus aureus (57.7%), Enterococcus spp. (49.2%), Streptococcus agalactiae (32.8%), Neisseria spp. (14.3%), and Streptococcus pyogenes (13.8%). Aminoglycosides, macrolides, and lincosamides versus other antibiotic groups demonstrated a low efficacy in vitro against all the mentioned bacterial species. Conclusion. Comparison of the antibiotic susceptibility ofS. aureus strains, which was discovered in 1998,2005, and 2016, indicates that the susceptibility to gentamicin has decreased over 20yearsfrom 85.1 to 39.6%, although doxycycline, azithromycin, lincomycin, and chloramphenicol demonstrated the lowest efficacy in vitro in 2005, and this indicator has considerably increased to date.

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About the authors


Email: veraar@mail.ru
I.I. Mechnikov Vaccines and Sera Research Institute Moscow, Russia


Email: nune4me@mail.ru
I.I. Mechnikov Vaccines and Sera Research Institute Moscow, Russia


Email: mmalchevskaya@gmail.com
I.I. Mechnikov Vaccines and Sera Research Institute Moscow, Russia


I.I. Mechnikov Vaccines and Sera Research Institute Moscow, Russia


I.I. Mechnikov Vaccines and Sera Research Institute Moscow, Russia


Email: omagarshak@yandex.ru
I.I. Mechnikov Vaccines and Sera Research Institute Moscow, Russia


Email: iroj@yandex.ru
I.I. Mechnikov Vaccines and Sera Research Institute Moscow, Russia


Email: poddubikov@yandex.ru
I.I. Mechnikov Vaccines and Sera Research Institute Moscow, Russia


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