Multiplex PCR for the differentiation of Vibrio cholerae 01 biovar El Tor strains of different epidemic importance

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Objective. To develop a procedure for the simultaneous identification of toxic epidemically dangerous Vibrio cholerae biovar El Tor strains and for the differentiation of nontoxigenic strains into potentially epidemic dangerous and epidemic safe ones. Materials and methods. The investigators used 167 V. cholerae 01 biovar El Tor strains, 6 nontoxigenic V. cholerae non-01/0139 strains, 5 bacterial strains of closely related species in the genus Vibrio, and 3 Enterobacteriaceae strains. Results. One-step multiplex PCR for the identification of marker genes was carried out in 2 reaction mixtures. The toxigenic epidemically dangerous strains were typified by the formation of 4 amplified fragments corresponding to the vc0180, vc0514, ctxA, and tcpA genes; the nontoxigenic potentially epidemically dangerous strains were characterized by 3 fragments corresponding to the vc0180, vc0514 and tcpA genes, and the nontoxigenic epidemically safe strains were typical of the formation of 1 fragment corresponding to the tcpA gene, or the absence of ail detected marker genes, respectively. Conclusion. A procedure has been developed to differentiate V, cholerae 01 biovar El Tor strains of different epidemic importance. The investigation has shown the specificity and effectiveness of the developed multiplex PCR that can be used in epidemiological investigations, monitoring studies of environmental objects and for the certification of V. cholera strains.

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About the authors

Elena Yu. Agafonova

Russian Research Institute «Microbe», Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being

Junior Reasecher, Department of Microbiology

Dmitriy A. Agafonov

Russian Research Institute «Microbe», Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being

Cand. Biol. Sсi., Senior Researcher, Department of Microbiology

Nina I. Smirnova

Russian Research Institute «Microbe», Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being

Biology Dr, Head, Department of Microbiology


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