A rational approach to choosing a treatment option for chronic hepatitis C using a prognostic model in children and adolescents

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Objective. To develop a model that predicts a response to therapy for chronic hepatitis C (CHC) in children and adolescents. Subjects and methods. The investigation enrolled 116 children and adolescents aged 3 to 18 years with CHC who had not previously received etiotropic therapy. The patients were randomly divided into 2 groups of 58 people each. All the children were examined using general clinical, biochemical, immunological, and instrumental studies, which could reveal the most significant prognostic indicators. Results. Two antiviral therapy options (standard and differentiated) for CHC were compared. Evaluation of the efficiency of differentiated therapy allowed the most significant indicators to be selected to create a mathematical model. Multivariate regression analysis made it possible to prepare a mathematical model covering the main signs of the disease for the assessment and prediction of a response to therapy. After 48 weeks, a complete virological response was achieved in 30 (51.7%) patients in the standard therapy group and in 47 (81.0%) in the differentiated therapy group. Conclusion. The choice of a CHC therapy regimen, which is based on the prediction of a response, by using the multivariate regression analysis, and on the mathematical modeling of the most significant immunological and biochemical parameters is clinically reasonable and justified, since it increases the number of patients who have achieved a complete virological response.

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About the authors

Olga V. Churbakova

Samara State Medical University Ministry of Health of Russia

Email: o_churbakova@mail.ru
Cand. Med. Sci., Assistant Lecturer, Department of Health Care Quality Management, Institute of Professional Education Samara, Russia

Vasiliy G. Akimkin

Central Research Institute of Epidemiology Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being

Email: vgakimkm@yandex.ru
Prof. MD, Аcademician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director Moscow, Russia

Dmitry V. Pechkurov

Samara State Medical University Ministry of Health of Russia

Email: dmpechkurov@yandex.ru
Prof., MD, Head, Department of Children’s Diseases Samara, Russia


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