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Objective. Тo establish the frequency of extrahepatic manifestations in children with HCV infection and the specific features of their disease course. Subjects and methods. The specific features of the course of HCV infection were analyzed in 68 children aged 10 to 18 years with and without extrahepatic manifestations, by comparing the clinical symptoms of the disease, the level of viral load, the genotype of the virus, and an immune response. The duration of the disease was more than 10 years. Results. The investigation indicated that chronic hepatitis C (CHC) in the children showed hepatic manifestations in 86.8% of cases and that concurrent with extrahepatic and hepatic manifestations was in 13.2%. It was found that among the systemic manifestations, there was a predominance of thyroid diseases (5.3%), skin rashes (3.6%), and arthralgias (7.1%). The immune status of patients with CHC and extrahepatic manifestations was characterized by the active inhibition of humoral defense mechanisms as a significantly stimulated IL-4 and IFN-α synthesis and by the significant suppression of IFN-γ production as compared with those with CHC without extrahepatic manifestations. Conclusion. The given data substantiate the necessity of monitoring the functions of the urinary and gastrointestinal tracts and the levels of thyroid hormones and rheumatoid factor to rule out extrahepatic manifestations in children with a more than 10-year history of CHC.

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About the authors


Research Institute of Childhood Infections, Federal Biomedical Agency of Russia

Saint Petersburg


Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Saint Petersburg


Research Institute of Childhood Infections, Federal Biomedical Agency of Russia

Saint Petersburg


Research Institute of Childhood Infections, Federal Biomedical Agency of Russia

Saint Petersburg


Research Institute of Childhood Infections, Federal Biomedical Agency of Russia

Saint Petersburg


Academician I.P. Pavlov Saint Petersburg State Medical University, Federal Agency for Health Care and Social Development

Saint Petersburg


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