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Objective. To study the demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with HIV/CHC co-infection with the known hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype. Subjects and methods. The investigators analyzed data on 700patients with HIV/CHC co-infection with available information on genotyping, who were first identified and registered in the Sverdlovsk Regional Center for AIDS Prevention and Control for HIV infection in the period from 2016 to 2019. Results. HCV genotype 1 was most common (50% of cases), genotype 3 was found in 45% of cases. The proportion of patients with F3-F4 fibrosis was 15%. In this cohort, the narcotic way of getting HIVprevailed (58%) versus 37% through heterosexual contacts. At least one comorbidity was present in 99% of patients. There were also deviations from the normal laboratory parameters (ALT, AST, creatinine, etc.). Conclusion. The clinical characteristics of patients with HIV/HCV coinfection differ from those of patients with HCV monoinfection; and these differences may influence the timing of initiation and choice of antiviral therapy for CHC. It is preferable to use direct-acting antiviral drugs in co-infectedpatients.

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Sobre autores

Svetlana VOLKOVA

Sverdlovsk Regional Center for AIDS Prevention and Control

Infectiologist, Head, Clinical and Diagnostic Department Three Yekaterinburg, Russia

Anzhelika PODYMOVA

Sverdlovsk Regional Center for AIDS Prevention and Control

MD, Head Physician Yekaterinburg, Russia


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