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Objective. To develop ways to improve the efficiency of patient follow-up in the infectious diseases room of a rural area, by analyzing the results of prophylactic medical examination of patients with HCV-infection markers. Materials and methods. The authors investigated the results of clinical and laboratory instrumental studies in patients with HCV-infection markers, who had been registered in the infectious diseases room of a rural area, as well as the incidence rates of chronic hepatitis С (CHC) in the municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan according to the 2005-2016 official statistics. Results. The investigation revealed a low follow-up coverage and a low availability of up-to-date laboratory diagnostic techniques. The introduction of PCR in the examination algorithm led to an improvement in the diagnosis of CHC, which increased its morbidity rates in the municipal district. The distribution of patients with CHC in dispensary groups was justified to optimize the follow-up. Conclusion. The introduction of a PCR detection test in the algorithm of examination of patients with markers of HCV infection and their distribution in dispensary groups increases the level of diagnosis of CHC and the efficiency of a follow-up.

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Sobre autores

Rinat Gineatullin

Kazan State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia; Rybno-Slobodsky Central District Hospital, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan

Email: big2garin@gmail.com
Postgraduate Student, Department of Infectious Diseases 49, Butlerova St., Kazan 420012, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia

Mansur Kitaev

Rybno-Slobodsky Central District Hospital, Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan

Email: mz.rsloboda_crb@tatar.ru
Cand. Med. Sсi., Chief Physician Kazan, Russia

Adel Vafin

Kazan State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia

Email: Adel.Vafin@tatar.ru
Cand. Med. Sсi., Assistant Professor Kazan, Russia

Irina Kravchenko

Kazan State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia

Email: kravchencoie@mail.ru
MD, Assistant Professor Kazan, Russia


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