


The microscopical diagnostic elements of powdered raw materials in the tablets «GINK- GOTROPIL» were studied. It was concluded that the tablets «GINKGOTROPIL» contain the leaves of Ginkgo biloba L. and the herbs of a Filipendula ulmaria (L.) Maxim. Diagnosis of anatomic signs of plant components allows for the standardization of the drug in terms of«Microscopy».


Tablets «GINKGOTROPIL» are the development of the company «VITAUKT» (Republic of Adygea, Russia). They are recommended for use as an additional source of flavonoids, tannins, glycine and succinic acid. This dietary supplement is intended for functional food and prevention of several chronic diseases in humans. Tablets weights 0.65g contain the leaves of Ginkgo biloba and the herbs of Filipendula ulmaria in equal amounts by 0.26 g in the form of micronized powder having a particle size less than 140 microns. Tablets contain glycine (0.06 g) and succinic acid (0.02g) besides vegetable powder. Hydroalcoholic extract used in the technology of tablets «GINKGOTROPIL» as a binder. The extract is prepared from a mixture of equal parts of the ginkgo leaves and herb Filipendula as previously described technology [3, 4]. The leaves of ginkgo biloba (Ginkgo biloba L., fam. Ginkgoaceae) contain flavonoids (most nartsissin, nikotiflorin, ginkgetin and izoginkgetin), terpenoids, tannins and other phenolic compounds, steroid (phytosterol), polysaccharides, organic acids, vegetable oils and bees- wax, essential oils, amino acids, macro- and microelements [2, 14]. Biologically active substances from the leaves of ginkgo stabilize the membrane of the blood brain barrier protects the brain cells from damage by toxins, reduce the likelihood of hypertension and restore disturbed brain function. Medicines containing ginkgo is widely used for the treatment of weakening attention, worsening short-term memory, brain dysfunction with symptoms of emotional lability and irritability, to eliminate the effects of traumatic brain injury and stroke, with cognitive impairment associated with aging, Alzheimer’s disease, with neurosensory disorders (dizziness, tinnitus, hearing loss). The use of drugs Ginkgo enhances concentration, increases efficiency, reduces the feeling of fatigue, distraction, nervousness, depression, relieves associated with these states headaches. Since ginkgo helps normalize vascular rheology, metabolic and immune functions, it is used for Raynaud’s syndrome, disorders of peripheral blood circulation, diabetic retinopathy and angiogenesis, arteriopathy of the lower limbs. Under the influence of biologically active substances Ginkgo slows the aging process, increase physical activity and performance [6, 9]. The herb of meadowsweet (Filipendula ul- maria (L.) Maxim., fam. Rosaceae) contains flavonoids (quercetin, izokvertsitrin, 4’-glucoside, quercetin, rutin), phenolic acids, coumarins, tannins, triterpene acids and fatty acids, polysaccharides, carotenoids, ascorbic acid, nitrogen-containing compounds, amino acids, macro- and microelements [5]. Flavonoids and phenol carbonic acids meadowsweet possess neuroprotective effect exerted antihypoxic, antioxidant and adaptogenic activity. Research antioxidant properties of these compounds have shown results higher than in ascorbic acid. Filipendula ulmaria promotes regression of atherosclerosis, folk medicine as part of fees and teas applies it in traumatic brain injuries in the recovery period after a stroke in old age while reducing memory [5, 6, 13]. Glycine is an amino acid, a natural neurotransmitter of the central nervous system, which combines the nootropic effect with a mild sedative effect. Glycine reduces the in- creased muscle tone, has an anticonvulsant effect. It is appointed in ischemia, hypoxia of the brain and for the treatment of neuroses. Glycine eliminates depressive disorders, irritability, normalizes sleep, reduces the craving for alcohol and has anti-epileptic and anti-stress effect [9]. Succinic acid has antioxidant, anti-hypoxic, nootropic and immunomodulatory effects, stimulates metabolic processes, as a substrate of the Krebs cycle. In recent years, explored and established the effectiveness of its use in the prevention and treatment of diseases of various organs and systems of the person. The basis of therapeutic and preventive action is enhancement of cellular respiration and transport of ions across the cell wall, the stabilization of protein metabolism [8]. The purpose is the microscopic analysis of the tablets “GINKGOTROPIL” and the definition of the anatomical diagnostic elements of powdered vegetable raw materials that are needed for standardization of the drug. We conducted a microscopic analysis of the original plant material, its powder and tablets to assess the possibilities «through» standardization of medicinal plants to medicines. The results were compared to literature microscopic diagnostic features [1, 12, 13]. Temporary preparations prepared by pharmacopoeial methods to identify anatomical and diagnostic features of the claimed raw materials in the samples [10, 11]. Powder dissecting needle placed on a glass slide in a drop of the solution of chloral hydrate, covered with a cover glass and lightly heated. «GINKGOTROPIL» is a cylindrical tablet from light green to greenish brown in color, with a characteristic odor. Blotches of different color intensity allowed. For the preparation of tablets temporary preparations, their crushed in a mortar and pestle to give a powder which was then placed on a glass slide in a drop of a solution of chloral hydrate, covered with a cover glass and slightly warmed. The study preparations were performed using a microscope «Micromed-1» with trinocular, with objectives 4 ×, 10 ×, 40 ×, eyepieces 10 ×. Recording is made with a digital camera Electronic Eyepiece MD300 (3.1 megapixels). Photos edited in Adobe Photoshop CS3. Graduation range of 0.01 mm. In the analysis of the preparation ginkgo leaf were found cells of the upper and lower epidermis of rectangular shape with very thick walls, winding. Stomata were found only on the lower side of the sheet. The stomata were anomocytic type. Calcium oxalate druse crystals located along the veins. Diagnostic microscopic characteristics consistent with literature data and allow to confirm the authenticity of the raw materials. The analysis of meadowsweet leaf found epidermal cells of the upper polygonal shape with slightly sinuous walls, stomata anomocytic. Cells lower epidermis polygonal shape with a strongly sinuous walls, there are numerous stomata. The calcium oxalate druses and prismatic crystals are found in the leaf mesophyll. Trichomes hairs presented with simple, single-celled, thick-walled and long single-celled, thick-walled, with a thin cavity inside. In the study micropreparations of powder raw materials found fragments of plant tissue. The fragments of ginkgo leaf can be diagnosed by the characteristic structure of the walls of the elongated cells of the epidermis and anomocytic stomata which were found in the fragments of the epidermis. Particles of herb meadowsweet were diagnosed by the structure of stomata and trichomes of two types: single-celled, simple, thick, glandular hairs and single-celled, long, sinuous, thick hairs with a thin cavity inside. Calcium oxalate druse crystals almost correct spherical porous receptacles and fragments were found in the powder. There were found fragments of plant tissues and druses calcium oxalate druse crystals by microscopical examination of the powder tablets druse crystals (Fig. 2). Fragments of grasses meadowsweet were simple single-celled hairs, characteristic amoeboid cells of the epidermis and spherical calcium oxalate druse crystals (Fig. 3). Conclusions As a result of investigations we have found that the plant components of tablets«GINKGOTROPIL» diagnosed by microscopy. The elongated cells of the epidermis, stomata anomocytic type and calcium oxalate druse crystals are the major diagnostic elements of the ginkgo leaves. The epidermis with sinuous walls, stomata anomocytic type and calcium oxalate spherical druse crystals are the main diagnostic elements of the herb meadowsweet.


J. Daironas

Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute - branch of Volgograd State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia

Email: daironas@mail.ru

A. Korochinsky

Vitaukt-prom ltd

Email: a.v.korochinskii@mail.ru

I. Zilfikarov

All-Russian Science Research Institute of Medicianal and Aromatic Plants

Email: dagfarm@mail.ru


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