


Data about qualitative and quantitative composition of biologically active substances (volatile and phenolic compounds) in water-ethanol extract of Lavandula x intermedia Emeric ex Loisel (Lamiaceae) cv. ‘Bora’ bred in Nikitsky Botanical Garden are presented in the article. Concentration of volatile compounds in Lavandin extract was 398 mg/dm3 and 51 components were identified. Main volatiles in Lavandin cv. «Bora» extract were linalyl acetate (36,9%) and linalool (33,5%). Content of phenolic compounds in water-ethanol extract of Lavandin was 945 mg/dm3 and 14 components were found out. Among the variety of Lavandin cv. ‘Bora’ phenolic compounds luteolin-7-O-glycoside and п-coumaric acid are predominated. The conclusion about possible use of Lavandin cv. ‘Bora’ for creation of food, cosmetic, therapeutic and preventive products is made.


Lavandula x intermedia Emeric ex Loisel (Lamiaceae) is a perspective essential oil culture which is distinguished by the high productivity. Essential oil is broadly used in the medicine and perfume manufacturing [1]. Apart from the essential oil Lavandin has flavonoids, hydroxycinnamic acids, coumarines, and triterpenoids in the above ground parts [4, 8]. Lavandin is an interspecific hybrid, obtained as the result of natural or artificial selection of Lavandula angustifolia Mill. And Lavandula latifolia Medie. Some Lavandin clones occupy the space between the original Lavandula species and other close to them, or exceed them by morphological, biological, and economically valuable characteristics [2]. In this connection, the study for biologically active compounds of different species of hybrid forms of Lavandin is timely. There are works directed on the selection of Lavandin in the State-funded Establishment of the Republic of Crimea Nikitsky Botanical Garden - National Scientific Center. The result of this work was the whole range of economically valuable species, including a new Bora breed [1]. The purpose of this research was the study of qualitative and quantitative composition of biologically active substances from Lavandula intermedia Bora breed, which grows in the southern coast of the Crimea. Objects and methods of the study The inflorescences of Lavandin of Bora breed from the Nikitsky Botanical Garden selection were the object of our study. The plant material was gathered on the collection grounds of the laboratory of aromatic and medicinal plants of Nikitsky Botanical Garden (Nikita, Yalta, Republic of Crimea) in mass bloom phase in July 2015. The content of biologically active substances was determined in the water-ethanol extract made of water-dried raw materials. Extraction was done with 70% ethanol with the correlation of raw materials and extragent (1:10) by the maceration during 10 days at ambient tem- perature. Component structure of the volatile substances were determined with the used of Agilent Technologies 6890 chromatographer with mass-spectrophotometric indicator 5973. HP-1 column 30 m long; internal diameter equaled to 0.25 mm. Thermostat temperature were programmed from 50ºC to 250ºC with the velocity of 4ºC/min. Injector temperature was 250ºC. Carrier gas helium, flow velocity equaled to 1 cm3/min. Carryover from the gas chromatographer to the mass-spectrometric indicator was heated up to 230 ºC. The source temperature was controlled on the level of 200 ºC. Electronic ionization was done at 70 eV in the mass range m/z from 29 to 450. Identification was made on the basis of comparison of the mass-spectrums obtained with the data of combined library NIST05-WILEY2007 (about 500,000 mass spectrums). The content of flavonoid substances in the water-ethanol extract was determined by colorimeter following the Folin-Ciocalteu method.[3] Component structure of phenolic substanc- es was determined using Agilent Technologies chromatographer (model 1100) with G1379A instaneous vacuum degasifier, G13111A 4-channel pump of low pressure gradient, G1316A automatic injector, G1315B fluores- cent detector. To carry out the analysis we used chromatographic 2.1 mm × 150 mm column, filled with octadecylsilyl sorbent ZORBAX-SB C-18 with 3.5 mm granulation. The gradient regime of chromatography was used. It meant the change in eluting blend of the components cor- relation of A (0.1% orthophosphoric acid; 0.3% tetrahydrofuran; 0.018% triethylamine) and B (methanol). The velocity of the moving phase delivery amounted to 0.25 cm3/min; working pressure of the eluent amounted to 240-300 kPa; the probe volume amounted to 2 μl; scanning time amounted to 0.5 sec; measuring scale amounted to 1.0. Identification of phenolic compounds was made by the standard keeping and spectral characteristics (parameters of spectrum detection - every peak 190-600 nm; wave lengths - 280, 313, 350, 371 nm). As the result of the studies conducted we have established that water-ethanol extract from the inflorescences of Lavandin contained 398.9 mg/dm3 of volatile compounds. With that, 51 components were identified in the extract (table 1; fig. 1). High content of monoterpene alcohols and complex ethers are the criteria of perfume ad- vantages of Lavandin essential oil. Among these ethers linalyl acetate occupies a principal position. Camphor and 1.8-cineol have a significant influence on the quality of the essential oil [2, 9]. Weight content of monoterpene alcohols in the extract obtained by us from the Lavandin species under study amounted to 38.5%, complex ethers amounted to 40.5%. The basic components were linalyl acetate (36.0%), and linalool (33.4%). The camphor and 1.8-cineol content was low, and amounted to 5.2% and 2.5% respectively. The data obtained give evidence about the fact that Lavandin Bora extract is closer to the essential oil of Lavandin Grosso - one of the best French commercial perfume species - by the content of principal volatile compounds [5, 7]. While studying the phenolic compounds of Lavandin Bora we have revealed that their concentration in the extract amounted to 945.5 mg/dm3. Using the method of HPLC we have revealed 14 components, 9 of which were identified. For the identified phenolic compounds we have determined the relative content (table 2; fig. 2) Phenolic compounds of these species of Lavandin were represented by hydroxycinnamic acids: rosmarinic, chlorogenic, n-coumaric, 4-O-caffeoylquinic acids, and flavonoids pi- nocembrin, glycosides of apigenin, and luteolin, which is corresponds to the results of other studies [4]. The content of hydroxycinnamic acids (320 mg/dm3) in the extract exceeded the content of flavonoids (200 mg/dm3). N-coumaric acid (135 mg/dm3) and luteolin-7-O-glycoside (99 mg/dm3) had maximum concentrations. Aromatic amino acid of tryptophan (32 mg/dm3) was revealed in the extract as well. Thus, the extract of Lavandin Bora breed contains high concentration of volatile com- pounds, with predomination of linalyl acetate and linalool, as well as hydroxycinnamic acids and flavonoids, which shows the reasonability of the culture of this breed for the manufacturing of different productions (food, cosmetic, and treatment and preventive). Conclusions We have determined a qualitative and quan- titative content of volatile compounds and phe- nolic substances of water-ethanol extract of La- vandin Bora breed. We have established that the extract had a high concentration of the volatile compounds with predomination of monoterpene alcohols and their complex ethers, particularly linalool and linalyl acetate. We have revealed that phenolic substances of the extract were represented by flavonoids and hydroxycinnamic acids. Luteolin-7-O-gly- coside and n-coumaric acids are among the sub- stances of phenolic nature. The studies conducted prove the reasonabil- ity of the culture of this breed for the manu- facturing of food, cosmetic and treatment and preventive production with optimal component structure of volatile substances, hydroxycin- namic acids, and flavonoids. The paper was backed by the Russian Scientific Fund (grant no. 14-5000079).


A. Paliy

Nikitsky Botanical Garden - National Scientific Center


V. Rabotyagov

Nikitsky Botanical Garden - National Scientific Center



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