Trends and Perspective Directions in the Development of Software Programming




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Nowadays programming is an indispensable part of modern life. It is the foundation for the development and implementation of new technologies and solutions in various fields of human activity: personal to professional. Recently, there has been significant progress in the development of information technologies due to the constant scientific and technological advances around the world. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the current situation as well as trends in the development of software development. The work uses theoretical methods of research, such as analysis, synthesis and generalization. Because of this work, the author has identified the main trends and tendencies observed in the information technology industry. Based on the results obtained, the author makes conclusions about how the software development industry will develop and what technologies will have the greatest impact in the future. The scientific value of the current work consists in the formation and systematization of the most important trends and prospects of programming development. The materials of the work can be useful for modern software developers, architects and project managers in technology companies, allowing them to identify the most promising directions in the aspect of development of their competencies.




Dmitry Malygin

T1 Digital LLC

ORCID iD: 0009-0004-9966-3716

Director of Software Development Projects

俄罗斯联邦, Moscow


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2. Fig. 1. The number of scientific papers on the search for “Generative AI”. Sours: URL:

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3. Fig. 2. Program code analysis using DeepCode

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4. Fig. 3. Working in the Bubble constructor

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5. Fig. 4. The market volume of low-code development platforms from 2018 to 2024, in US dollars. Sours: URL:

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6. Fig. 5. Modern trends in the development of programming solutions

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7. Fig. 6. The number of scientific papers on the search query Blockchain. Sours: URL:

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