
A Rediscovered Syriac Amulet from Turfan in the Collection of the Hermitage Museum
Dickens M., Smelova N.
An Old Uyghur Translation of the 開蒙要訓 Kaimeng yaoxun
Zieme P.
The Place of Shen-nong in the System of Legendary History of the Apocryphal Text Chunqiu Minglixu
Terekhov A.
Nikolay Кaramzin’s Dedication to the Emperor Alexander I as a Preamble to the “History of Russian State” in Manchu and Chinese Translation by Zakhar Leontievsky
Pang T.
Letters from Stanislas Aignan Julien (1797–1873) to Baron Paul Ludwig von Canstadt (1786–1837)
Walravens H.
Tanguto-Chinese Elements in the 12th Century Dialect of Hexi
Sun B.
A Further Fragment of the Old Uighur Qianziwen
Umemura H., Zieme P.
Imperial Postscript to the Tangut, Chinese and Tibetan Editions of the dhāraṇī-sūtras in the Collection of the IOM, RAS
Hamanaka S., Sizova A.
Portraits of Qing meritorious officers in the collection of the State Hermitage: scroll restoration and revised reading of the texts
Pang T., Pchelin N.
Turfan Manuscripts in the State Hermitage - a Rediscovery
Nikolai P., Simone-Christiane R.
Manuscripts of the Mahāparinirvāṇa-mahāsūtra from Dunhuang: Preliminary Arrangement According to its Scroll Division
Ryzhenkov S.
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