Nikolai Nevsky, Ishihama Juntarō, and the Lost “Extended Manual” of Tangut Characters with Tibetan Phonetic Glosses





Shortly before his return from Japan to Russia in 1929, the prominent Russian Orientalist and Tangutologist Nikolai (Nicolas) Aleksandrovich Nevsky (1892–1937), best known for his successful decipherment of the extinct Tangut language and script, prepared and left in Japan some kind of a glossary, an extended manual of Tibetan phonetic glosses for more than 500 Tangut characters, which was planned to be sent to the Tōyō Bunko for publication. However, this work was not published, and the manual was lost for decades and literally forgotten by scholars. This article is an investigation into the fate of this lost work prepared by Nevsky and a report on its re-discovery. Based on the study of his academic activities in Japan, it presents four photographic copies of Tangut fragments with Tibetan phonetic glosses and seven non-inventoried Nevsky’s notebooks from the Ishihama Collection of the Osaka University Library. Our careful examination and preliminary study of these notebooks reveals that three of them are most likely the complete lost manuscript of the extended manual and the four photographs are its integral part.


Viacheslav Zaytsev

Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Sciences

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6870-0877
SPIN 代码: 5302-3512
Scopus 作者 ID: 57200333618
Researcher ID: O-9275-2016
俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg

Chung-pui Tai

The University of Hong Kong

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8411-0383
Scopus 作者 ID: 55831184400
中国, Hong Kong


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  17. ISHIHAMA Juntarō 石濱純太郞 1952: “Si-hia-Tangutica I”. Kansai daigaku Bungaku ronshū 關西大學 文學論集. 昭和二十七[1952]年八月, 2(1): 1–7.
  18. ISHIHAMA Juntarō 石濱純太郞 1956: “Seikagoyaku Lǚ Huìqīng Хiào jīng zhuàn” 西夏語譯呂惠卿孝經傳 [The Introduction of Lü-hui-ch‘ing (呂惠卿)’s Hsiao-ching-ch‘uan (孝經傳) Which is Translated in to the Tangutien Language]. Bunka 文化 = Bunka (Culture) 20(6): 15–19 (865–869), 1 (978).
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  20. The Kuo-Hsio Chi-K’an: A Journal of Sinological Studies 1(4): 675–686, 692. [The issue was actually printed between December 1924 and February 1925].
  21. KATŌ Kyūzō 加藤九祚 1976: Ten-no hebi: Nikorai Nefusukī-no shōgai 天の蛇: ニコライ・ネフスキーの生涯 [The Celestial Serpent: The Life of Nikolai Nevsky]. Tōkyō 東京: Kawade shobō shinsha 河出書房新社.
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  24. NEVSKY, Nicolas 1926: A Brief Manual of the Si-Hia Characters with Tibetan Transcriptions = Seizō moji taishō Seika moji shōran 西藏文字對照西夏文字抄覽. Ōsaka 大阪: Ōsaka tōyō gakkai 大阪東洋學會 = The Osaka Asiatic Society. (Research Review of the Osaka Asiatic Society = Ajia kenkyū 亞細亞硏究. 1926, March 15. No. 4). [Russian translation of Nevsky’s Preface (pp. XVIII–XXIX) published under the title “Предисловие” in: NEVSKY 1960: I–163–166].
  25. NEVSKY, Nikolai A. 1927: Nikorai Nefusuki ニコライ ネフスキ. “Wáng Jìng’ān-sensei wo tazunete” 王靜安先生を訪ねて [Visiting Mr Wáng Jìng’ān (Wáng Guówéi)]. Geibun
  26. 藝文. 第拾八[18]年第八[8]號: 58–59 (638–639).
  27. NEVSKY, Nicholas 1928: “Concerning Tangut Dictionaries”. In: Kano kyōju kanreki kinen: Shinagaku ronsō 狩野教授還曆記念 支那學論叢. Kyōto 京都: Kōbundō shobō 弘文堂書房: 27–41, [2] pl. [Russian translation published under the title “О тангутских словарях” in: NEVSKY 1960: I–95–106].
  28. NEVSKY, Nikolai A. 1931: “Ocherk istorii tangutovedeniia” [Outline of the History of Tangut Studies]. Izvestiia Akademii nauk Soiuza Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik. VII seriia. Otdelenie obshchestvennykh nauk = Bulletin de l’Académie des Sciences de l’Union des Républiques Soviétiques Socialistes. VII série: Classe des sciences sociales 1: 7–22. [Republished in: NEVSKY 1960: I–19–32; First Chinese translation: NEVSKY 1932].
  29. NEVSKY, Nikolai A. 1932: Niè Sīkè 聶斯克. “Xīxiàyǔ yánjiū xiǎoshǐ” 西夏語研究小史
  30. [A Review of the History of Hsi Hsia Studies]. Bulletin of the National Library of Peiping. May–June, 1930 (Issued in January, 1932) 4(3): A volume on Tangut (Hsi Hsia) Studies: 389–403. [This is a Chinese translation of NEVSKY 1931].
  31. NEVSKY, Nikolai A. 1933: “O naimenovanii Tangutskogo gosudarstva” [Le nom de l’état tangout (avec 1 planche)]. In: Zapiski Instituta vostokovedeniia Akademii nauk SSSR. II, 3. Leningrad: Izdatel’stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR: 129–150, Tab. I. [Republished in: NEVSKY 1960: I–33–51].
  32. NEVSKY, Nikolai A. 1960: Tangutskaia filologiia: Issledovaniia i slovar’. V dvukh knigakh [Tangut Philology: Studies and Dictionary. In Two Volumes]. Moscow: Izdatel’stvo vostochnoi literatury [Oriental Literature Publishing House].
  33. NEVSKY & ISHIHAMA 1927a: Nikorai Nefusuki ニコライ・ネフスキ, Ishihama Juntarō 石濱純太郞. “Seikabun Hannyakyō no danpen” 西夏文般若經の斷片 [A Fragment of the Prajñāpāramitā Sūtra in Tangut]. Geibun 藝文. 第拾八[18]年第五[5]號: 51–56 (389–394).
  34. NEVSKY & ISHIHAMA 1927b: “Seikabun Jizōbosatsu hongankyō zanshi: Haku Kiwa (Bó Xīhé)-sensei Chūa shūshū no ichi” 西夏文地藏菩薩本願經殘紙: 伯希和先生中亞蒐集之一 [An Incomplete Paper Fragment of the Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva Pūrvapraṇidhāna Sūtra in Tangut: Prof. Paul Pelliot Central Asian Collection 1]. Nikorai Nefusuki ニコライ、ネフスキ, Ishihama Juntarō kyōshaku 石濱純太郞 共釋. In: Tenseki no kenkyū 典籍之研究. 第六號. Ōsaka 大阪: Tenseki no kenkyūsha 典籍之研究社: 3 (plate) and unnumbered translucent page preceding p. 3 (authors’ text).
  35. NEVSKY & ISHIHAMA 1929: Nikorai Nefusuki ニコライ ネフスキ, Ishihama Juntarō 石濱純太郞. “Seikagoyaku Daizōkyō kō” 西夏語譯大藏經考 [Note on the Hsi Hsia Translation of the Buddhist Tripitaka]. Ryūkoku daigaku ronsō 龍谷大學論叢. No. 287: Butten kenkyū tokushūgō (Butten kenkyū daiichi) 佛典研究特輯號(佛典研究第一): 18–25 (442–449), [2] pl. [First Chinese translation: NEVSKY & ISHIHAMA 1932a].
  36. NEVSKY & ISHIHAMA 1930: Nikorai Nefusuki ニコライ・ネフスキ, Ishihama Juntarō 石濱純太郞. “Bankan gōshi shōchūju : Tsuke zuhan go” 番漢合時掌中珠 : 附圖版五 [“Fan han ho shih chang chung chu” (A Chino-Si-hsia Dictionary)]. Shirin 史林 = The Shirin or the Journal of History 15(1): 54–56, [3] pl.
  37. NEVSKY & ISHIHAMA 1932a: Niè Sīkè 聶斯克, Ishihama Juntarō 石濱純太郞 共著. “Xīxiàyǔ yì Dàzàngjīng kǎo” 西夏語譯大藏經考 [Note on the Hsi Hsia Translation of the Buddhist Tripitaka]. Zhōu Yīliáng yì 周一良譯 [Translated by Chou I-liang]. Bulletin of the National Library of Peiping. May–June, 1930 (Issued in January, 1932) 4(3): A volume on Tangut (Hsi Hsia) Studies: 73–79. [This is a Chinese translation of NEVSKY & ISHIHAMA 1929].
  38. NEVSKY & ISHIHAMA 1932b: Nicolas A. Nevsky, Ishihama Juntarō 石濱純太郞. “Xīxiàwén Bāqiān sòng bōrě jīng hébì kǎoshì” 西夏文八千頌般若經合璧考釋 [Aṣṭasāhasrikā-prajñāpāramitā-sūtra, with critical notes]. Bulletin of the National Library of Peiping. May–June, 1930 (Issued in January, 1932) 4(3): A volume on Tangut (Hsi Hsia) Studies: 247–258, [1] pl.
  39. NEVSKY & ISHIHAMA 1932c: Nikorai Nefusuki ニコライ ネフスキ, Ishihama Juntarō 石濱純太郞. “Utenbun Chiko daranikyō no danpen (Seian gakusha sōkō)” 于闐文智炬陀羅尼經の斷片(靜安學社叢稿) [A Fragment of the Jñānolka-dhāraṇī in Khotanese language (Collection of writings of the Societas Orientalis Osaka’ensis in memoriam Wang Kuo-wei)]. Ryūkoku daigaku ronsō 龍谷大學論叢. No. 302: Shōkaku jusshūnen kinen tokushūgō 昇格十週年紀念特輯號: 111–113 (237–239), [2] p., [1] pl.
  40. NEVSKY & ISHIHAMA 1933: Nikorai Nefusuki ニコライ・ネフスキ, Ishihama Juntarō 石濱純太郞. “Seika kokumei kō hosei” 西夏國名考補正 [Additions and Corrections to the Study on the Name of the Tangut State]. Ryūkoku gakuhō 龍谷學報. No. 305: 101–112.
  41. NEVSKY, ISHIHAMA, HIROSE 1933: Nicolas Nevsky, Ishihama Juntarō 石濱純太郞, Hirose Toku 廣瀨督. “Seikagoyaku Daihōkō butsu kegonkyō Nyū fukashigi gedatsu kyōgai Fugen gyōganbon” 西夏語譯大方廣佛華嚴經入不可思議解脫境界普賢行願品
  42. [A Tangut Translation of the “Chapter on the Actions and Vows of Samantabhadra, Having Entered the Wonderful World of Salvation,” in the Mahāvaipulya-Buddhāvataṃsaka-sūtra]. In: Mayūra マユーラ. No 2. Kyōto 京都: Ōtani daigaku seitengo gakkai 大谷大學聖典語學會 = Published at the ALSS, Otani daigaku: 8–10, [4] p. of pl.
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  44. NISHIDA Tatsuo 西田龍雄 1975: “Ishihama-sensei no zōsho o megutte” 石浜先生の蔵書をめぐって [About the Book Collection of Prof. Ishihama]. Kanpō: Ōsaka gaikokugo daigaku fuzoku toshokan 館報: 大阪外国語大学附属図書館 [Bulletin of the Library of Osaka University of Foreign Studies]. 1975.2, no. 2: 4–5.
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  46. OGDFT 1979: Ōsaka gaikokugo daigaku shozō Ishihama Bunko mokuroku 大阪外国語大学所蔵石濱文庫目録 [Catalogue of the Ishihama Collection in the Osaka University of Foreign Studies]. Ōsaka 大阪: Ōsaka gaikokugo daigaku fuzoku toshokan 大阪外国語大学附属図書館.
  47. OKAZAKI Seirō 岡崎精郞 1979: “Ōsaka Tōyō gakkai yori Seian gakusha he: Ōsaka gakujutsu shi no hitokoma toshite” 大阪東洋學會より靜安學社へ: 大阪學術史の一こまとして [From the Ōsaka Asiatic Society to the Societas Orientalis Ōsaka’ensis in Memoriam Wang Kuo-wei: A Scene in the History of Arts and Science in Ōsaka]. In: Tōyōgaku ronshū: Mori Mikisaburō-hakushi shōju kinen 東洋學論集: 森三樹三郎博士頌壽記念 = Oriental Studies. Kyōto 京都: Hōyū shoten 朋友書店: 1383–1402.
  48. PELLIOT, Paul 1926: “[Review:] A brief manual of the Si-hia characters with Tibetan transcriptions, by Nicolas Nevsky (Research Review of the Osaka Asiatic Society, nº 4,
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2. Pl. 1. Four photographs from the Ishihama Collection of the Osaka University Library. Photographic copies of Nevsky’s photographs a) no. 7; b) no. 14; c) no. 10; d) no. 11 now kept in the IOM RAS Archive (f. 69, op. 1, ed. khr. 181)

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3. Pl. 2. Seven Nevsky’s notebooks from the Ishihama Collection of the Osaka University Library. From left to right: Notebook 2 (part 1), 1, 2 (part 2), 4, 3, 5, 6, 7 (by our numeration)

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4. Pl. 3. First page of the re-discovered extended manual (Notebook 3, page 3) from the Ishihama Collection of the Osaka University Library

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