Distribution of hours worked and average monthly salary by occupational groups

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The article presents the results of a study of the relationship between the actual length of working time and the average monthly salary, depending on professional groups over the past 30 days. The study was conducted on the basis of the analysis of the Russian monitoring base of the economic situation and health of the population of the Higher School of Economics. This database is representative for the Russian Federation. Monitoring covers socio-economic indicators, such as income, expenses of the population, working hours, employment structure, etc. It also includes demographic issues: age, gender, marital status, education, etc. On average, approximately 10.0–12.0 thousand people are interviewed during the study. The calculations were performed in the IBM SPSS Statistics. The level of wages is not always commensurate with the costs of the employee's working time. However, approximately the same dynamics can be traced, both in the use of working time and wages for professional groups of employees. The study shows that a high level of wages is achievable with normal employment and self-employment, although there are exceptions with underemployment.

About the authors

Elena Anatolevna Kipervar

Omsk State Technical University

Email: kipervar@list.ru

Anastasiya Valeryevna Pobiyanskaya

Omsk State Technical University

Email: batueva-nastya@mail.ru


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Copyright (c) 2023 Kipervar E.A., Pobiyanskaya A.V.

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