Generation Z in the labor market: what should HR systems be prepared for?



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The problem of the complexity of ensuring the adjustment of influence managerial instruments on the company's personnel to the change of value demands for the work of representatives of a new generation of labor resources is posed. Typological characteristics of representatives of generation Z are highlighted. These characteristics influence and determine a set of dominant preferences for the choice of content, the nature of work, employment conditions and the place of professional potential realization. The substantiation of the characteristics of the empirical research base consisting of representatives of generation Z who have work experience by the end of their studies at the university is presented. The advantage of the sample of this study is the regional differentiation of labor resources. The dominant criteria of the request for the work of generation Z are highlighted. They are as follows: the relationship of work with the received professional training, the degree of self-realization and the possibility of organizing one's own work, the level of comfort in interaction with management and colleagues, the size of the organization and its location and the speed of career advancement. The less significant parameters of value orientations are as follows: the format of employment and organization of labor activity, the degree of influence on the amount of remuneration and the type of labor market. Taking into account the selected parameters of the labor request, recommendations to HR specialists of companies for the formation of a long-term personnel policy are offered.

Sobre autores

Yuliya Belskaya

Novosibirsk State Technical University; The Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies (SSUGT)


Alena Borisova

Novosibirsk State Technical University; Siberian State University of Water Transport


Mariya Khokholush

The Ural State University of Economics (USUE)



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Declaração de direitos autorais © Belskaya Y.V., Borisova A.A., Khokholush M.S., 2023

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