Labor market equilibrium and unobserved macroeconomic indicators



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The authors of the article proposes a methodology for assessing a number of unobserved macroeconomic indicators. The methodology has been tested on the example of the Russian economy. The main research purpose was to determine the values of the equilibrium wage, the equilibrium headcount and the value of potential GDP. The solution of the latter task is carried out on the basis of information on the quantitative characteristics of the labor market without unemployment. The author's model constructed is based on two-factor functions of labor supply and demand at the macro level. This model acts as a tool for solving the problem. The model of the labor market in a state of equilibrium has been tested on statistical data for the Russian Federation. Calculations were performed for the years 2001 to 2016. Calculations have shown that the gap between the observed and potential values of Russia's GDP in all years of the period under review was negative. It is shown that achieving equilibrium in the labor market requires an increase in the number of employees. The relative deviations of the observed wage from the equilibrium value turned out to have different signs in different years. The article will be of interest to the employees of public authorities developing economic strategy, scientists, economists, academic staff and students of economic universities.

Sobre autores

Evgeniy Vinokurov

Central Economic and Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences



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