Diagnostics of activity elements for developing employees' competitiveness



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The effectiveness of managerial decisions in the personnel management largely depends on the quality of procedures for regulating labor processes. The classic problem of managing activities to identify employees' competitive advantages is the search for tools used to analyze and evaluate professional knowledge and skills. The article substantiates the relevance of performing diagnostics of elements of activities for the development of employees' competitiveness. It is shown that the improvement of approaches and methods of identifying competitive advantages is an integral part of the personnel management system. An algorithm for the selection of increasing the competitiveness of employees when highlighting their competitive advantages using functional and cost analysis is presented. The possibilities of developing competitiveness using approaches and methods designed to perform a comprehensive feasibility study are considered. A systematic list of the main functions of employees who make significant personnel decisions in the strategic personnel management system is presented. The conditions for solving the optimization problem of distributing the efforts of management team in the implementation of personnel decisions are shown.

Sobre autores

Olesya Nevmerzhitskaya

The Kosygin State University of Russia

Email: fadina.lesya@yandex.ru


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