The apparatus of categorical-system methodology in the study of labor protection



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The article is devoted to the development of methodology in the study of occupational safety in the modern economy. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the use of the apparatus of categorical-system methodology as a tool for the study of occupational safety in the modern economy. The use of methods of intelligent circuitry provides an opportunity to identify the relationship of categories through which it is possible to develop directions for further development of labor protection in the process of its transformation. The result of the research is a set of models developed on the basis of the application of new scientific and methodological approaches to the study of occupational safety, which are basic for the categorical-system methodology, ensure the productivity and effectiveness of the research process, and allow to identify the essence, content, principles of occupational safety as a socio-economic system, for further use of the identified aspects in the formation of the concept transformations of labor protection in the conditions of the modern economy.

Sobre autores

Nadezhda Samarskaya

Federal State Budgetary Institution “All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Labor” of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation (Ural Interregional Branch)



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