Management factors focused on the quality of heat supply in the application of tariffs under the alternative boiler house method




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The study presents the factors of quality-oriented management in the conditions of application of tariffs based on the alternative boiler house method. When forming an effective management system for new boiler houses, owners should take into account not only their strategic goals and objectives, but also the requirements of society, the state, and be socially oriented. To assess the values of complex indicators of the customer service quality, the authors use data on customer service in the consulting points of a sales company. The example of the city of Ivanov was used. These data correlate with data on the shutdown of thermal energy due to the fault of consumers or the fault of heat supply organizations. As a result, the ambiguous influence of various indicators on the quality of customer service was revealed. These data correlate with data on the shutdown of thermal energy due to the fault of consumers or the fault of heat supply organizations. As a result, the ambiguous influence of various indicators on the quality of customer service was revealed. The study shows the degree of priority of the factors determining the efficiency of the subsystems of thermal power.


Tatiana Malkova

Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (MGSU) National Research University


Natalya Verstina

Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (MGSU) National Research University


Mark Gamm

Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (MGSU) National Research University



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版权所有 © Malkova T.B., Verstina N.G., Gamm M.V., 2023
