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卷 10, 编号 2 (2023)


Improving the urban environment in the context of youth development in Russia

Ivanova I., Pulyaeva V.


The article presents an analysis of the Housing and Urban Environment National Project. A review of regional practices was conducted; and interim results at the federal level were summed up. The analysis of involving young people in solving issues of landscaping, which is the most important condition for the implementation of this project, was carried out. The authors have formed recommendations for improving the regulatory framework for landscaping and improving the quality of life, aimed at solving the identified problems. The proposed additions and innovation to certain legislative acts will increase awareness and involvement of young people in landscaping projects and improve the social and living conditions. This, in turn, will ensure the consolidation of the younger generation in the cities and settlements of Russia.
Russian Journal of Housing Research. 2023;10(2):123-136
pages 123-136 views

Housing market development trends

Vodyannikov M., Anisimov A.


The housing construction market acts as a driver of socio-economic development, forming the social component of its development, while ensuring an increase in the standard of living, as well as an economic component. At the same time, the housing construction market is influenced by a large number of external factors that require systematization and evaluation. The housing construction market is characterized by a high dependence on both economic and technical factors, a low level of competition and high administrative barriers. This necessitates comprehensive state support for market development.Based on content analysis, as well as economic and statistical methods, the authors assessed the factors of development of the housing construction market.The main economic indicators of the housing construction market were analyzed.The impact of income levels and housing prices on the development of the housing construction market was evaluated. It was revealed that at the present stage, the growth rate of individual housing construction exceeds the growth rate of the total volume of housing construction, which is due, firstly, to the trends in consumer preferences for increasing the comfort of living and, secondly, the development of preferential mortgage lending programs in individual housing construction.
Russian Journal of Housing Research. 2023;10(2):137-148
pages 137-148 views

Impact of the transport strategy on the construction industry and housing infrastructure

Dimitrienko I., Yakovleva Y., Goykher O.


This article examines the relationship between the transport complex and housing and public services. The main documents that define the development strategy of these areas are considered. The key directions of the construction industry and housing and public services, which are affected by the transport infrastructure, are identified. To determine the significance of the development of the transport infrastructure of the city districts, the method of a priori ranking with expert evaluation was applied. Based on a sample of 120 items in the Statistica program, the normality of the distribution was determined. To determine the significance of differences in the price ranges of apartments in the analyzed areas, a variance analysis was carried out.
Russian Journal of Housing Research. 2023;10(2):149-166
pages 149-166 views

Theoretical and methodological approaches to assessing the quality of housing and communal services: the role of the state

Smirnyagin N.


Currently, in the conditions of intensive transformations of public relations, reduction of effective demand, digitalization of most processes and individualization of supply and demand, the need to clarify approaches to measuring the quality of housing and communal services has become urgent.Based on the analysis of the state regulatory impact on housing and communal services, methodological approaches to assessing the quality of housing and communal services are identified.Based on the generalization of the characteristics of housing and communal services, the necessity of state regulation of approaches to their quality is substantiated. The assessment of the existing legal regulation of housing and communal services is given; approaches to the interpretation of their quality are identified. The state has formed a certain set of properties of housing and communal services, which can be interpreted as the quality and efficiency of the service. At the same time, the quality assessment is based on formalized indicators that do not involve the participation of the consumer in their formation and addition. Approaches to the quality of resources and the efficiency of their supply to the consumer are mainly formalized. It is necessary to include co-owners of residential premises as the main recipient of housing and communal services in their assessment processes.The obtained research results may be of interest to specialists and researchers in the sphere of housing and communal services in Russia.
Russian Journal of Housing Research. 2023;10(2):167-178
pages 167-178 views

Model for assessing the investment attractiveness of boiler houses with the alternative boiler house tariff

Malkova T., Gamm M., Verstina N.


The article presents a model for assessing the investment attractiveness of boiler houses with the alternative boiler house tariff. The model has been tested on a real project for the construction of a boiler house. Priority vectors are determined. The most significant indicators in assessing investment attractiveness are determined by the method of paired comparisons. The assessment took into account not only economic indicators, but also technological, organizational and managerial ones.
Russian Journal of Housing Research. 2023;10(2):179-190
pages 179-190 views