Stress and manager's professional performance



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The article is devoted to identifying the impact of stressful situations on the managers' performance. The theory of the motivational complex of labor activity was used as the methodological basis of the study.The following methods were used: sociological surveys and standard test methods used in HR management to assess the professional and personal qualities of employees. Managers of Russian organizations retrained at Plekhanov Russian University of Economics were the respondents of the survey. The main objective of the study was to analyze the positive and negative impact of stressful situations in the workplace on the managers' professional activities, the influence of organizational stress factors on the manager's performance and analysis of the psychosomatic effects of stress caused by errors in the manager's motivation system. The conclusions drawn on the basis of the results obtained showed that ignoring stressful situations in the managers' professional activities leads to a decrease in the productivity of their work due to the development of negative emotions and actualization on their basis of five groups of psychosomatic diseases that do not allow managers to fully use their potential to solve the tasks assigned.

Sobre autores

Aleksandr Litvinyuk

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics



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