Methodological aspects of assessing the level of intra-company trust



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According to the theory of social capital, the development of trusting relationships between economic entities plays an important role at the interpersonal, regional, and organizational levels. Within the framework of this article, the authors consider the category of intra-company trust. On the basis of the literature review, a wide variability of definitions and methods of assessing this category was revealed. The improvement of methodological aspects of assessing the level of intra-company trust was identified as the main goal. The study reveals the main theoretical foundations of the formation and development of intra-company trust. The key stages, methods and indicators of assessing the level of intra-company trust are identified. The achievement of the goal set by the authors will allow taking into account a set of qualitative and quantitative indicators of trust assessment. The results of the study can be used by the top management of commercial organizations interested in solving the problems of increasing employee loyalty to management, team building and improving the organizational climate of the company.

Sobre autores

Natalya Pashuk

Vladivostok State University


Liliya Sadovskaya

Vladivostok State University


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Declaração de direitos autorais © Pashuk N.R., Sadovskaya L.E., 2023

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