The Impact of Digitalization on the Formation of Trust in Government Institutions




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Lack of trust is one of the major problems in the political and legal spheres of modern Russia. The formation of institutional trust is a strategically important task because it is an indicator that determines the effectiveness of the authorities, forming a social basis for supporting government institutions and their economic or political course. At this point, the process of digitalization involves almost all spheres of human life, thus, has a significant impact on the formation of public trust in the authorities. Considering the active use of digital tools in the political and legal spheres and public administration, as well as the generally high level of digital activity of the population, the conditions for the interaction between power and society are constantly changing, which undoubtedly influences the formation of public consent.

Thus, this article attempts to identify the problems and discussions surrounding the characteristics of the impact of digitalization on the formation of trust in government institutions. Therefore, the key concepts of this study are analyzed –“digitalization” and “trust;” the requirements for the formation of trust in the authorities in the digital space are considered; the aspects that influence the changes in the interaction of society and government related with digitalization are indicated; an assessment of the impact of digital technologies on the formation of trust in government institutions was made.




Yulia Matyuk

Vladivostok State University

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3195-2349
SPIN 代码: 8416-3781

Postgraduate Student

俄罗斯联邦, Vladivostok


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