Legal Clinics in the Nonstate System of Pro Bono: Problems and Prospects (on the Example of the Legal Clinic of the Voronezh State University)




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The article discusses the main directions for improving the legal regulation of the provision of free legal assistance by legal clinics. Topical issues related to the definition of categories of persons entitled to apply within the framework of the nonstate system of free legal assistance to a legal clinic are highlighted, with no grounds for refusing to provide it. In addition, the requirements for clinicians established by legal acts, the possibility of providing legal assistance in the form of representation, and the expediency of consulting citizens by students with the obligatory presence of supervising teachers are evaluated. It also substantiates the need to introduce local regulations and regulations in each legal clinic. A significant gap is the question of unity in understanding the content of the activities of legal clinics, uniform standards of activity, and guarantees of the quality of such assistance, which are closely related to the mechanisms of control by the state. The issue of regulation and financing of the activities of legal clinics is raised, including the procedure for the functioning of automated systems and their processing of personal data. The authors propose to amend the current legislation regarding the grounds for refusing to provide free legal assistance by legal clinics. Also, focusing on the example of the Legal Clinic of Voronezh State University, attention is paid to approaches to entrance examinations and training under the program «Model Legal Clinic» and cooperation with government authorities and nonprofit organizations. The article concludes that it is necessary to further develop and support legal clinics in the system of free legal aid and solve existing problems to improve the quality of assistance provided and achieve greater accessibility for the population.




Elena Katinskaya

Voronezh State University

ORCID iD: 0009-0008-2126-3578

external PhD student, lecturer

俄罗斯联邦, Voronezh

Vladislav Katinskiy

Voronezh State University

ORCID iD: 0009-0008-2038-3658

lecturer, senior consultant

俄罗斯联邦, Voronezh


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