Comparative evaluation of chronic iron overload in the application of iron preparations in the sub-toxic doses

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Iron supplements used for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia differ in their safety. Untike organic iron salts, inorganic iron compounds such as oxides, hydroxides and sulfates do not have high bioavailability and significantly overload tissues with insoluble iron oxides. In this paper, an experimental study of iron supplementation on the basis of iron hydroxides in the composition polymaltose complex (Maltofer®) and iron sulfate is reported. Oral administration of iron sulfate for 2 months induced chronic iron overload, reflect both by histological damage by hemosiderin in parenchyma of liver, kidneys and brain, by an increase of ALT in blood and of protein levels in the urine. In comparison with ferrous sulfate, Maltofer has advantages for chronic use: hemosiderin deposits were absent in brain and in kidney tissue; small deposits of hemosiderin in the liver were found only in intralobular sinus capillaries, but not in hepatocytes.

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About the authors

Olga Anatolievna Nazarenko

Ivanovo state medical academy

PhD, associate professor, Department of pharmacology and clinical pharmacology

Olga Alekseevna Gromova

Ivanovo state medical academy

MD, professor of the Department of pharmacology and clinical pharmacology

Vadim Igorevich Demidov

Ivanovo state medical academy

PhD, senior researcher of the research center

Ivan Yurievich Torshin

Moscow institute of physics and technology (state university)

candidate of physico-mathematical sciences, associate professor of the Department of intelligent systems

Irina Konstantinovna Tomilova

Ivanovo state medical academy

MD, head of the Department of chemistry

Yelena Lvovna Aleksakhina

Ivanovo state medical academy

candidate of chemical sciences, scientific adviser of the Research center


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