Verified complex scale “Potassium: plasma, erythrocytes, urine” (CPEM) for non-invasive assessment of the state of potassium homeostasis in patients

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Based on the analysis of the sample of patients (n=345, 50% men), a complex scale scale «Potassium: Plasma, erythrocytes, urine» (PPEU) was obtained and verified. The PPEU scale allows non-invasive assessment of potassium levels in blood plasma, erythrocytes and urine of patients on the basis of observed symptoms, history and questioning of patients. Testing of the scale over an independent control sample (n=175) shown the existence of reliable correlations between the experimentally determined potassium levels and the estimates obtained by the PPEU scale. The use of the proposed scale makes it possible to assess the state of potassium homeostasis of the patient even before the clinical and laboratory analyzes of the corresponding biosubstrates.

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About the authors

Olga A. Gromova

Ivanovo state medical academy of the Ministry of Health of Russia

MD, professor of the Department of pharmacology

Evgenia Ju. Egorova

FGBOU VO “Ivanovsky State University"

PhD, associate professor of the Department of life safety and common medical knowledge, PhD candidate of the Department of pharmacology FGBOU VO “Ivanovsky State Medical Academy" of the Minitry of Health of Russia

Ivan Ju. Torshin

FRC informatics and management of the RAS, senior staff scientist

Natalia V. Yudina

Ivanovsky State University

chief doctor of afterwork disease prevention center

Maria A. Sorokina

M.V. Lomonosov MSU

medical resident of the Department of internal diseases, fundamental medicine faculty


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