Rational therapy of hypertensive crisis in the light of modern recommendations

  • Authors: Lyamina N.P.1,2, Nalivaeva A.V.3
  • Affiliations:
    1. Research institute for cardiology of Saratov V.I.Razumovsky State medical university of the Ministry of Health of Russia
    2. Saratov V.I. Razumovsky State medical university of the Ministry of Health of Russia
    3. Saratov V.I.Razumovsky State medical university of the Ministry of Health of Russia
  • Issue: No 6 (2017)
  • Pages: 70-75
  • Section: Articles
  • URL: https://journals.eco-vector.com/2412-4036/article/view/279083
  • ID: 279083

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Hypertensive crisis is determined as one of the life-threatening complication of arterial hypertension. It is characterized by symptomatic arterial pressure increase with target organs damage including (or without it) which by themselves could cause a direct or potential life danger. Doctors of common practice, urgent aid and also patients by themselves in outpatient conditions are often facing with a problem of safe and effective decrease of arterial pressure in urgent situation. Current review contains information about national and European recommendations for hypertensive crisis relief, and also the results of large-scale researches of capoten (captopril) medicament.

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About the authors

Nadezda P. Lyamina

Research institute for cardiology of Saratov V.I.Razumovsky State medical university of the Ministry of Health of Russia; Saratov V.I. Razumovsky State medical university of the Ministry of Health of Russia

Email: lyana_n@mail.ru
MD, professor, deputy director for scientific work; professor of the Chair of intermediate level therapy of general medicine department

Anna V. Nalivaeva

Saratov V.I.Razumovsky State medical university of the Ministry of Health of Russia

PhD candidate of the Chair of intermediate level therapy of general medicine department


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