Uveites as paradoxal reaction or nonefficacy of treatment in ankylosing spondylitis patients, getting inhibitors of alpha tumour necrosis factor

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Aim of the research. Analysis of the occurrence and features of newly emerged and previously available uveites in patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS), receiving tumor necrosis factor а (FNOα) inhibitors. Material and methods. 119 AS patients older 18 years, matching New York AS criteria, taking therapy by FNOα inhibitors not less than 5 years were included in the study. Middle time period of patients' observation was 7,1 ±1,3 years. Results. More than in 80% of patients, having uveites before the start of genetically engineered biologic therapy, had no more recurrence of uveitis on the phone of FNOα intake. It is fixed the association between the efficacy of musculosceletal pathology treatment in case of AS and reduce of uveitis recurrence risk in case of their presence before the start of the therapy, but it is not fixed the association of treatment efficacy with reduce of uveites de novo arising risk. Uveites de novo arising risk in case of FNOα inhibitors use is comparatible with the risk of uveites recurrence in patients with uveites in their anamnesis. Adalilumab and golimumab use is associated with less risk of uveites de novo development, than infliximab and etanercept use. Recurrences of uveites in patients with uveites in anamnesis are developing more often during the first year of FNOα inhibitors therapy; arising of de novo uveites - after 2-6 years from the beginning of these medicines use. Uveites de novo, caused by the use of monoclonal antibodies to FNOα, are in most cases acute, well-stopped by local medicaments and do not require the replacement of genetically engineered biological remedies. Conclusions. For development of adequate measures for the treatment and prevention of recurrence and new episodes of uveites on the pnone of FNOα inhibitors therapy in case of AS, additional studies are needed to study the features of the pathogenesis of uveitis as a paradoxical reaction to treatment or a sign of ineffective AS treatment.

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About the authors

Inna Z. Gaidukova

Federal state budgetary institution of higher education "I.I. Mechnikov North-Western state medical university" of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Fedeation; State Budgetary healthcare institution "Clinical hospital of rheumatology 25" of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Fedeatio

Email: ubp1976@list.ru
MD, associate professor of the Department of therapy and rheumatology named after Ae.Ae. Aeikhvald

Ruzana R. Samigulina

Federal state budgetary institution of higher education "I.I. Mechnikov North-Western state medical university" of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Fedeation

Email: Ruzana.Samigulina@szgmu.ru
rheumatologist, chief of GBIT center

Elizaveta A. Vasilenko

Federal state budgetary institution of higher education "I.I. Mechnikov North-Western state medical university" of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Fedeation

Email: elisaavas@gmail.com
PhD candidate of the Department of therapy and rheumatology named after Ae.Ae. Aeikhvald

Oksana V. Inamova

State Budgetary healthcare institution "Clinical hospital of rheumatology 25" of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Fedeatio

Email: b25@zdrav.spb.ru
PhD, chief doctor of State Budgetary Healthcare Institution CRH 25.

Ekaterina K. Gaidukova

Federal state autonomous educational institution of higher Education "St. Petersburg national research university of informational technologies, mechaniks and optics"

Email: kgaydukova97@mail.ru
3rd course student

Evgeny A. Trophimov

Federal state budgetary institution of higher education "I.I. Mechnikov North-Western state medical university" of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Fedeation

Email: Evgeniy.trofimov@szgmu.ru
PhD, assistant professor of the Department of therapy and rheumatology named after Ae.Ae. Aeikhvald

Vadim I. Mazurov

Federal state budgetary institution of higher education "I.I. Mechnikov North-Western state medical university" of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Fedeation

Email: maz.nwgmu@yandex.ru
MD, academician of RAS, head of the Department of therapy and rheumatology named after Ae.Ae. Aeikhvald


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