Atrial fibrillation: Controversial issues of modern classification, new possibilities of diagnostics and treatment

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Atrial fibrillation (AF) is one of the most common arrhythmias in the clinic of internal medicine. Structural remodeling of atria with development of their significant dilation and fibrosis indicates a severe course of AF and allows predicting the progression of arrhythmia to its more stable forms. Current review discusses a new classification of AF suggested in recommendations of American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association in 2023, which extends the possibilities of prevention and early detection of the disease. New portable devices play a major role in the diagnosis of such kind of arrhythmia. Modern clinical studies have proven the advantage of early rhythm control strategy comparatively to ventricular rate control. That results in a significant reduction in all-cause mortality, stroke, and major adverse cardiovascular events. These promising results are prognosticating a fundamental change in the approach of cardiologists to the management of patients with AF.

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About the authors

Aida I. Tarzimanova

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia (Sechenov University)

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9536-8307

MD, Dr. Sci. (Medicine), professor of the Department of faculty therapy No. 2 of N.V. Sklifosovsky Institute of Clinical Medicine

Russian Federation, Moscow


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