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Volume 7, Nº 8 (2021)


Mild forms of COVID-19: the clinical course features in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Ladnov D., Kulik V., Kirpichnikov S., Shaporova N.


It is known that some concomitant pathological conditions can affect the course of COVID-19. Purpose of the study: comparison of the clinical course of mild forms of COVID-19 in patients with COPD and in patients without significant comorbid pathology observed on an outpatient basis. Material and methods. The study was conducted in 36 outpatients. 18 patients with concomitant COPD made up the study group and 18 patients were included in the comparison group. The duration of the disease, the maximum body temperature, the total leukocyte level, the ESR level, the level of C-reactive protein, fibrinogen, and the APTT index were studied. Statistical processing was carried out using the JASP program (version Results. Analysis of the duration of the disease showed that in the main group the average number of days of illness (18,4±6,7) was significantly higher than in the comparison group (14,7±2,8; p=0,026). The maximum body temperature in both groups did not differ significantly (p=0,868). A significant difference in the level of leukocytes was found: in the main group it was higher than in patients without comorbid pathology (6,8±1,7x109/L and 5,6±1,6x109/L, respectively; p=0,046). There was no significant difference in the level of C reactive protein (p=0,759), fibrinogen (p=0,681), APTT (p=0,837) and in the level of ESR (p=0,715) between the two groups. Conclusion. A significant increase in the duration of COVID-19 and an increase in the level of leukocytes were found in the group of patients with COPD. For the rest of the clinical and laboratory parameters, there were no significant differences between the main group and the comparison group. significant difference between groups. The mild course of COVID-19 in patients with concomitant COPD, who were observed on an outpatient basis, has features of the course of a viral infection.
Therapy. 2021;7(8):7-13
pages 7-13 views

Heparin type influence on cellular hemostasis indicators in COVID-19-associated pneumonia

Antonov V., Osikov M., Ignatova G., Zotov S.


Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) causes a hypercoagulable condition. Objective: to evaluate the indicators of cellular hemostasis in patients with COVID-19-associated pneumonia, taking into account the severity of the disease, and to identify the effect of the anticoagulant therapy regimens used on cellular hemostasis. Material and methods. This open-label, biphasic study examined patients with COVID-19 aged 44 to 75 years (Me 63 years (Q4 55, Q1 68)). Depending on the degree of lung damage, at the time of admission severity of disease was characterized by moderate (64% of patients) and severe (36% of patients). The blood platelet count and the induced platelet rate were assessed. The inducers used were ADP (2,5 mmol/ml), collagen (3,3 mg/ml), adrenaline (5 mg/ml) on the 1st and 8th days from the moment of hospitalization. In addition, an assessment was made of the effect of anticoagulant therapy on the studied parameters, taking into account the severity of the course of the disease. In addition to standard antiviral therapy and glucocorticoids, patients received unfractionated heparin or sodium enoxaparin. Results. This study has demonstrated the effect of the severity of COVID-19-associated pneumonia on both the number of platelets and the rate of their aggregation. The presence of thrombocytopenia is noticeable in patients with significant (more than 50%) involvement of lung tissue in the inflammatory process. In addition, a more pronounced effect of low molecular weight heparin (in this case, sodium enoxaparin) compared with unfractionated heparin on the parameters of cellular hemostasis in patients with COVID-19-associated pneumonia was revealed. Thrombocytopenia was not detected in the groups receiving low molecular weight heparin and the induced platelet aggregation rate was lower than in the groups of unfractionated heparin. Conclusion. In the presented work, prophylactic doses of enoxaparin sodium and unfractionated heparin have demonstrated their effect on the parameters of cellular hemostasis, which can be used in the choice of anticoagulant therapy for severe and moderately severe forms of COVID-19. It is possible to propose an addition to the sections for the prevention of thrombotic complications in the existing clinical guidelines for the management of patients with severe COVID-19-associated pneumonia, in particular, to recommend the active prescription of low weight heparin to patients with a severe course of the disease.
Therapy. 2021;7(8):14-21
pages 14-21 views

Evaluation of periostin in case of bronchoostructive diseases

Baranov D., Trofimov V., Lapin S., Mazing A., Kholopova I., Kuznetsova D., Moshnikova A., Blinova T.


Currently, an active search for minimally invasive laboratory markers available for use in routine clinical practice, which have high sensitivity and specificity and are of diagnostic value in bronchoobstructive diseases is carrying out. The aim of the research is to study periostin as an allergic inflammation marker and indicator of the severity of obstructive disorders and their reversibility in patients with bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and their combination (ACO, from English «asthma-COPD overlap»). Material and methods. The study involved 87 patients who underwent periostin determination by EIA methodic, spirometry, including a bronchodilator test. Statistical processing was carried out by nonparametric methods due to the absence of normal distribution of periostin. Results. The level of periostin in patients with bronchial asthma was higher than in COPD and ACO patients. Among patients with asthma, its higher values were fixed in case of allergic and mixed variant comparatively with the infectious-dependent one. Patients with bronchial asthma and COPD with a burdened allergic anamnesis had an increased periostin comparatively to similar patients without sensitization. Periostin was higher in patients with bronchial asthma exacerbation than in patients in remission. A positive correlation was demonstrated between periostin and an increase in FEV, after bronchodilator test, and a negative correlation - with Gensler index before the test. Conclusion. The value of periostin as a marker of allergic inflammation was shown not only in patients with bronchial asthma, but also in COPD patients. In this regard, it seems promising to use this protein as a predictor of the efficacy of therapy with inhaled GCS in case of COPD. The structural heterogeneity of the periostin molecule requires standardization of the reagents used for its determination and data validation on a large sample size.
Therapy. 2021;7(8):22-29
pages 22-29 views

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in combination with type 2 diabetes mellitus: features of the clinical picture

Sorokina L., Pavlova A., Mineev V., Trofimov V.


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) are known to be comorbid diseases united by common pathogenetic pathways, among which systemic inflammation plays an important role. The aim is to establish the features of the course of COPD in combination with type 2 diabetes according to the data of clinical and laboratory-instrumental examinations. Material and methods. We examined 42 patients with COPD, 25 patients with a combination of COPD and DM2, 17 patients with DM2. All patients underwent a clinical and laboratory examination (Complete blood count and biochemical analysis), echocardiography, spirometry with a bronchodilator test. Results. The group of patients with a combination of COPD and DM2 was characterized by high values of the body mass index, which is due to the contribution of the metabolic syndrome in this group. Such characteristics as the stage, clinical group, and phase of COPD in the groups with and without co-existing DM2 did not differ statistically significantly. The degree of respiratory failure was significantly higher in the group with a combination of COPD and DM2. In addition, the presence and severity of comorbidity of the cardiovascular system and the presence of cerebrovascular disease were significantly higher in the COPD group with co-existing DM2. The prevalence and degree of pulmonary hypertension in the groups with COPD did not differ. The results of laboratory tests, in general, are typical for these diseases. Conclusion. Thus, it is confirmed that the course of COPD is worsened in the presence of comorbid conditions, in particular DM2, which should be taken into account in the management of patients with comorbid pathology, as well as in the development of approaches to the early diagnosis and treatment of these conditions.
Therapy. 2021;7(8):30-37
pages 30-37 views

Analysis of factors of poor outcome in patients with COPD and type 2 diabetes mellitus: results of a 10-year follow-up

Ignatova I., Blinova E., Antonov V.


The problem of the comorbidity of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) is relevant and till nowadays insufficiently studied. The aim of the study is to establish the leading factors of unfavorable outcome in patients with a combination of COPD and type 2 diabetes according to the results of a 10-year supervision. Material and methods. The study included 167 patients, divided into two observation groups: the first (n=83) consisted of patients with an isolated COPD clinical course, the second (n=84) - of patients with a combination of COPD and type 2 DM. Results. During long-term observation it was found, that the leading cause of death in both observed groups of patients was community-acquired pneumonia, but the number of deaths among comorbid patients was 2.5 times higher than in the isolated course of COPD. In both groups, died patients had significantly higher rates of smoking intensity and BMI comparatively to patients who continued to be observed. The clinical course of COPD in the group of comorbid patients is characterized by more pronounced shortness of breath; this was confirmed by significant bronchial obstruction, frequent (s2 per year) and long-term COPD exacerbations, repeated hospitalizations (including admission to the ICU) comparatively with the isolated course of COPD, which, in turn, is associated with a risk of poor outcome. Among died patients, both with an isolated course of COPD and with its combination with diabetes, there was fixed a high frequency of inhaled GCS use (81 and 90,6%, respectively), while in the groups that continued to be observed, double bronchodilation therapy was mainly used. Conclusion. According to the results of 10-year supervision, it was found that the combined course of COPD and type 2 diabetes increases the risk of an unfavorable outcome. The main causes of death in these patients in the study were community-acquired pneumonia and cardiovascular diseases. The risk factors for death are high smoking index and BMI, frequent exacerbations of COPD and hospitalizations during the year, as well as excessive use of inhaled GCS.
Therapy. 2021;7(8):38-45
pages 38-45 views

Pulmonary function test for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients with non-small cell lung cancer

Shuginova T., Meldo A., Shaporova N., Moiseenko F., Klikunova K.


The combination of COPD and lung cancer according to different studies occurs in 22-60% of cases. The aim of the study: to determine the relationship between functional and structural pulmonary changes in patients with lung cancer and COPD. Material and methods. The study included data on 4' patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The age of the patients varied from 38 to 83 years; the mean age was 62,2±10,2 years (95% confidence interval (CI): 58,9-65,4). 27 (65.9%) patients were men, 14 (34.1%) patients were women, the gender ratio was 1.9:1. All the patients with NSCLC were orderly divided into two groups, similar in comorbidity: 27 (65,9%) patients with COPD and 14 (34,1%) patients without COPD. 24 (58,5%) patients had a smoking experience of 13 years or more. 17 (41,5%) patients did not smoke. All the patients underwent functional tests on a MasterScreen Pneumo spirometer and paired inspiratory-expiratory chest CT scan (IECT). Axial IECT images were supplemented with multiplanar reconstruction. Results. The diagnosis of COPD was confirmed in 27 (65,9%) patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The relationship between the degree of obstruction and the fact of smoking was statistically significant (p=0,002). The frequency of obstructive disorders in the group of smokers was significantly higher than in the group of nonsmokers (p=0,008). Comparison of the tumour-affected lung (L) and the "healthy" lung (L) showed that there is a negative linear relationship between the gradient of lung tissue density during inhalation and exhalation and FEV1. It is more significant (r=-0,640; p <0,001) for 47 the affected side, and it is moderate (r=-0,497; p=0,001) for the contralateral side. Correlation analysis showed the dependence of the relationship between the density gradient and FEV1 on gender and the fact of smoking. The mean density gradient in male patients was significantly reduced on the side of the affected lung and correlated with the pack-years index (p=0,613; p=0,001). Conclusion. The performed statistical analysis revealed a correlation between the functional state and structural changes in the lung tissue detected by inspiratory-expiratory computed tomography and spirometry that can be used in a comprehensive examination of patients with NSCLC and comorbid COPD for treatment planning.
Therapy. 2021;7(8):46-53
pages 46-53 views

Vascular wall rigidity in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients

Vysotskaya N., Li V., Zadionchenko V., Adasheva T., Dolbin S., Timofeeva N.


Nowadays, the interaction between chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and cardiovascular disease (CVD) is in no doubt. The aim of the study was to study the parameters of the daily profile of the vascular wall rigidity and assess the interaction with indicators of the functional state of lungs in patients with COPD of varying severity. Material and methods. 96 patients with COPD without concomitant cardiovascular diseases (CVD) at the age of 40-75 years were examined. In accordance with the classification of COPD severity (GOLD 1-4), 4 groups of patients were identified. The participants underwent general clinical examination, spirometry, 24-hour pulse oximetry, and 24-hour measurement of vascular wall stiffness. Results. An increase in the average daily, daytime and nighttime values of aortal pulse wave velocity (PWVao) was revealed with COPD progression: the highest values were observed in the GOLD group 4. The correlation between PWVao and FEV1 (r=-0,454; p <0,001) and SpO2 (r=-0,380; p=0,004) was fixed. The predictive value of FEV1: Wald x2 = 7,195 (p=0,008) and SpO2: Wald x2=5,624 (p =0,01). Average daily and nighttime variability indexes of PWVao (var. PWVao) in the GOLD 4 group were significantly higher than in the GOLD 1 group. The correlation relationship of var. PWVao with fEv1 (r=-0,300; p=0,007) and Evd (r=-0,412; p=0,001) was revealed. Prognostic value of Evd: x2 Wald=7,925 (p=0,006); FEV1: Wald's x2=6,895 (p=0,007); SpO2: Wald x2=4,264 (p=0,02). The study of the circadian rhythm of arterial stiffness (AR) revealed the highest values in the GOLD groups 2 and 4. In the GOLD 2 group, a significant increase in PWVao and its variability during the daytime, augmentation index (Aix), Aix variability (Aix) and arterial stiffness index were revealed (ASI) at night time. In the GOLD 4 group, higher values of PWVao var. were determined during daytime, and Aix and var. Aix at night time. Conclusion. During the study process it was revealed an increase in vascular wall stiffness and AR circadian rhythm disorder as the severity of COPD progressed. Along with the traditional risk factors for PWVao increase (age, BMI, heart rate, SBP and DBP), the influence of the saturation level and FEV1 was revealed. The correlation between var. PWVao and Evd, FEV1 and SpO2 was determined. The results may indicate a negative effect of COPD functional parameters at AR parameters, which may be one of the reasons for the formation of CVD in patients with COPD.
Therapy. 2021;7(8):54-64
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Dyspnoea and respiratory mechanics disturbances in obesity patients

Kucherenko N., Bebekh A., Umarova I., Gorelov A.


An excess of adipose tissue can significantly limit the capabilities of the external respiration apparatus. Aim of the study is to estimate the correlation between functional indicators of external respiration and the presence and severity of dyspnoea in obese patients, check up the influence of dyspnoea at the life quality of patients. Material and methods. 45 obese patients were examined. A general clinical examination, external respiration functional testing, 6-minute walk test, an estimation of dyspnea severity using the mMRC and Borg scales, and estimation of life quality by means of the SF-36 questionnaire use were carried out. Results. The majority of the surveyed had a significant shortness of breath. A correlation of its intensity and functional pulmonary tests results, the result of a test with a 6-minute walk was foxed. A significant dependence of the life quality of patients at the dyspnoea index was demonstrated. Conclusion. Correlation between dyspnoea and functional parameters of external respiration in obese patients, as well as the significant influence of respiratory mechanics disorders at the life quality, determines the importance of their understanding and verification and dictates the need of correction and prevention of the progression of the identified disorders.
Therapy. 2021;7(8):65-69
pages 65-69 views

Features of the influence of atherosclerotic damage of various vascular basins on the risk of development of fatal and non-fatal events in a long period

Kobzeva N.


To date, there is no final opinion on the prognostic significance of risk factors in assessing the severity of the prognosis of patients with multifocal atherosclerosis, and there are no reliable tools for its assessment. Aim: to study the effect of atherosclerotic lesions of various vascular regions on long-term outcomes during a 3-year prospective follow-up. Material and methods. The study included 519 patients with lesions of various vascular basins, who were treated in specialized departments, of whom 360 (69,4%) were men, 159 (30,6%) were women. The average age of the examined patients was 60,0±8,7 years. Results. The study demonstrated that as the number of affected vascular pools increased, the likelihood of developing fatal and non-fatal cases of myocardial infarction and fatal cases of heart failure increased. Conclusions. An original model is proposed that can be used to predict the risk of vascular events in the long term.
Therapy. 2021;7(8):70-75
pages 70-75 views

Influence of complex drug therapy on structural and functional properties of vessels and endothelial dysfunction in patients with arterial hypertension and ischemic heart disease

Umetov M., Khakuasheva I., Akkaeva M., Tamazova M., Sanova A., Khakulova D.


Despite significant advances in the treatment of arterial hypertension (AH) and ischemic heart disease (IHD), mortality from these diseases remains high. Purpose: to compare the effect of bisoprolol and nebivolol in combination with a fixed combination (amlodipine + perindopril + indapamide) on the clinical course, functional state of arterial stiffness, endothelium, ankle-brachial index, vascular age in patients with AH of 2 and 3 degrees and IHD II and III functional classes. Material and methods. The study included 67 patients with uncontrolled AH with a systolic blood pressure (BP) level of И60 mmHg and/or diastolic blood pressure s90 mmHg in combination with stable exertional angina, who were taking two antihypertensive drugs at the start of the study. Depending on the therapy, the participants were divided into two groups: I - 34 people who received bisoprolol 5-10 mg/day; II - 33 people who took nebivolol at a dose of 5-10 mg/day. All patients also received a fixed combination of amlodipine + indapamide + perindopril. Results. The use of a fixed combination of amlodipine, indapamide and perindopril in combination with the beta-blocker nebivolol has a pronounced hypotensive effect on the level of peripheral and central arterial pressure, slows down the processes of vascular remodeling by improving the parameters of 77 arterial stiffness, vascular age, endothelial function indicator, which indicates an improvement in the state of elasticity - the elastic properties of the arterial wall and leads to a decrease in the risk of developing cardiovascular complications. Conclusion. The results obtained indicate that the addition of nebivolol to the fixed combination amlodipine + indapamide + perindopril leads to an effective decrease in heart rate, improved parameters of arterial stiffness and endothelial function, increased adherence and increased exercise tolerance.
Therapy. 2021;7(8):76-83
pages 76-83 views

Dynamics of microcirculation indices in patients with chronic ischemic diseases of the central nervous and cardiovascular systems

Heylo T., Danilogorskaya Y., Nazarenko G., Gladysheva E.


Cerebral microangiopathy is the most common cause of cognitive impairment in patients with cardiovascular disease. Purpose: to assess the effect of meldonium (Mildronate®) on microcirculation parameters, the degree of cognitive impairment and health status in general therapeutic patients with arterial hypertension (AH) and chronic ischemic diseases of the central nervous and cardiovascular system. Material and methods. The study included 31 patients with AH in combination with chronic cerebral ischemia; 71% of patients suffered from coronary artery disease (angina pectoris 1-2 FC). In addition to standard antihypertensive therapy, 21 patients received Mildronate® (1000 mg/day) for 6 weeks. All patients twice (before the beginning and after 6 weeks of therapy) underwent: capillaroscopy of the bulbar conjunctiva and the limbus of the eye using an ophthalmic capillaroscope «OKO» with the determination of quantitative and qualitative indicators of microcirculation; static perimetry (SP), during which the boundaries of the patient's field of vision and the area of the loss of a part of the field of view (scotomas) were established; assessment of the level of cognitive impairment on the MoCA scale and quality of life using the EQ-5D questionnaire. Results and conclusion. After 6 weeks of therapy with meldonium, a significant improvement in the quantitative indicators of capillaroscopy was noted: an acceleration of the blood flow rate both in arterioles (by 12%) and venules (by 5%). Qualitative characteristics also showed positive dynamics: the severity of erythrocyte sludge (p <0,05), focal stasis (p <0,05), arteriovenous shunts (p <0,05) significantly decreased. The change in microcirculation indices was accompanied by a significant increase in the number of objects perceived by patients during SP from 156 (137; 168) to 163 (148; 178; p <0,05), which indicated an expansion of the visual field during therapy with Mildronate®. According to the MoCA scale and the EQ-5D questionnaire, the patients' cognitive functions and quality of life also significantly improved: the score on the MoCA test increased from 21 (19; 22) to 25 (22; 26; p <0,05), and the health assessment by the patient himself - from 75 (70; 80) to 85% (80; 85) (p <0,05).
Therapy. 2021;7(8):84-92
pages 84-92 views

Adherence to therapy in patients with gout

Shchemeleva E., Skorodumova E.


Despite the availability of effective urate-lowering medicaments, gout is often difficult to correct. Aim of the study - to estimate the adherence to urate-lowering therapy (ULT) in gout patients examined at I.I. Dzhanelidze Saint Petersburg Research Institute of Emergency Medicine. Material and methods. From January to May 2021, a direct survey of 53 patients (49 males and 4 females) suffering from gout, aged 32-85 years (mean age 55,0±8,8 years) was performed. The duration of the disease varied from 1 to 23 years (average 9,1±5,2 years). The participants were asked questions about the age, duration of the disease, the number of gout attacks in the last 12 months, the frequency and last episode of examination by a rheumatologist, adherence to a hypouricemic diet, and the type and kind of receiving pharmacotherapy. 37 patients underwent uric acid level determination (UA). Results. From the 53 examined, only 11,3% of patients had no gout attacks in the last 12 months, in the remaining 88,7% they persisted. Almost half of the patients did not follow the diet at all, 51,0% of the patients did it or tried to comply with periodic deviations. ULT was received by 51,0% of the studied patients. Allopurinol at the time of the survey was taken by 92,6%, most of whom used a dose of 100 mg/day (duration of admission from 2 months to 13 years). Only 3,8% of patients were treated with febuxostat by 80 mg/day dose. 49.0% of patients at the time of the study did not receive ULT. 13,2% from them had previously used allopurinol, but they canceled it on their own. About a third of the participants (30,2%) had never been examined by a rheumatologist before. Only one patient (1,9%) of the interviewed was regularly observed by this specialist. 67,9% of patients consulted a rheumatologist from time to time. At the same time, only 5 patients were examined by a rheumatologist during the last 12 months (13.9% of the group of periodically observed patients). In 69,8% of the respondents, the MC level was determined, and only 3 of them (8,1%) had a target level of this index <6,0 mg/dL. Conclusion. Adherence to therapy among patients with gout is low, in most of the examined the MC level does not reach the target values (91,9%). One of the most important ways to increase adherence to therapy in gout patients is to increase their awareness of the disease and the principles of its treatment.
Therapy. 2021;7(8):93-101
pages 93-101 views

Issues of immunoprophylaxis in the practice of a general practitio

Nevzorova V., Bondareva Z., Potapova E., Egorova D.


Programs for the primary prevention of infectious diseases, which begin in childhood and continue throughout a person's life, are among the priority areas of development of the modern healthcare system. Vaccine prophylaxis is considered as a strategy aimed at maintaining a lost immune response due to an increase in human life expectancy, the emergence of additional opportunities for managing infections that contribute to the development of chronic non-communicable diseases, or new infections, an example of which is COVID-19. Among the variety of problems associated with the need for constant hard work in the field of developing a national vaccination calendar for adults, vaccination against seasonal and epidemic influenza, pneumococcal infection and COVID-19 is of particular interest. Maintaining an adequate collective immune response is possible only when achieving high targets for vaccination with the use of proven organizational, methodological techniques and principles of immunization at the international and national levels.
Therapy. 2021;7(8):102-114
pages 102-114 views

Herbal medicinal products in treatment of respiratory infections

Vertkin A., Shamuilova M., Knorring G.


Current pandemic of the new coronavirus infection COVID-19 has highlighted the leading role of acute respiratory infections (including influenza and ARVI) in the structure of infectious diseases and their impact at socio-economic indicators. Herbal medicinal products play an important role in the symptomatic and pathogenetic treatment of these diseases. They provide a wide range of positive effects in combination with a low risk of adverse events, including comorbid patients and children. Current review presents the substantiation for the use of a Pelargonium sidoides extract-based medicine at the outpatient stage of providing medical care to acute respiratory diseases patients.
Therapy. 2021;7(8):115-120
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Sindecan-1 and cardiovascular diseases

Alieva A., Pinchuk T., Batov M., Voronkova K., Valiev R., Shnakhova L., Kalova M., Rakhaev A., Arakelyan R., Nikitin I.


Today, the search and study of new biomarkers that can help the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases, serve as a tool for assessing the effectiveness of therapy, be a prognostic criterion of clinical outcomes and an indicator in risk stratification remains relevant. In our literature review, we discussed the pathophysiological aspects of sindecan-1 (SDC-1), many of which are not completely clear. There are more and more publications demonstrating the importance of identifying SDC-1 as a new biological marker for the diagnosis and assessment of prognosis in cardiac patients.
Therapy. 2021;7(8):121-128
pages 121-128 views

Possibilities of combined antiplatelet and anticoagulant therapy in older patients without atrial fibrillation

Larina V., Karpenko D.


The article presents a clinical observation of an elderly patient who underwent total arthroplasty of the left hip joint after a fracture of the femoral neck. The possibilities of the selection of antiplatelet therapy taking into account the cardiovascular risk, concomitant pathology and the patient's age are discussed.
Therapy. 2021;7(8):129-137
pages 129-137 views

Tumor of the genital cord

Druk I., Pomorgailo E., Martirosyan K., Petrosyan V., Trofimova N.


Leydig cell tumor of the ovaries is a rare tumor of the genital cord, which makes up less than 0,5-1,0% of ovarian tumors. Leydig cell tumors of the ovaries are not only a medical problem for clinicians, but also a cosmetic and social problem. The symptoms and signs of hyperandrogenism dominate the clinical picture of the disease and usually force women to seek medical advice relatively early. This paper presents a clinical case of a patient with a leydig cell tumor and discusses the diagnostic features of this ovarian tumor.
Therapy. 2021;7(8):138-143
pages 138-143 views

Modern strategy of diagnosis and therapy of patients with obstructive sleep apnea

Babak S., Budnevsky A., Buzunov R.


Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), as a heterogeneous chronic disease, significantly reduces the quality of life, aggravates the course of comorbidities and increases the mortality of patients from all causes. Choosing an effective therapy for OSA patients will require a comprehensive assessment of therapeutic and minimally invasive surgical interventions. At the same time, the multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of OSA patients involving a variety of clinical strategies, is poorly understood from the standpoint of evidence-based medicine. Most scientific publications on this topic are not randomized controlled trials, which makes it difficult to assess their applicability in real clinical practice. In this article, the authors provide a brief overview of modern effective and justified diagnostic and therapeutic interventions that allow clinician to form a personalized strategy for the diagnosis and treatment of comorbid OSA patients in accordance with the principles of precision medicine.
Therapy. 2021;7(8):144-150
pages 144-150 views

Modern strategy of anti-ischemic therapy for patients with chronic coronary syndromes

Lyamina N.


The article is devoted to a review of foreign and domestic studies, which studied the therapy of chronic ischemic syndromes and cardiovascular complications in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD), taking into account the metabolism of cardiomyocytes. The modern view of myocardial ischemia pathogenesis from the standpoint of intracellular energy metabolism concept significantly expands the therapeutic approaches to solving this problem in clinical practice. In light of this, the use of trimetazidine (fatty acids beta-oxidation selective inhibitor) in the anti-ischemic therapy of chronic coronary syndromes is an important and justified component of complex treatment. This is confirmed by the results of numerous clinical studies in which the effectiveness of the use of trimetazidine was established in order to improve intracellular energy metabolism, reduce the severity and duration of ischemia periods.
Therapy. 2021;7(8):151-157
pages 151-157 views

Issues of pathogenesis of cognitive and psychoemotional disorders in patients with cardiovascular and metabolic diseases

Shishkova V., Kotova M., Kapustina L., Imamgayazova K.


The article discusses the main pathogenetic mechanisms of the development of cognitive and psychoemotional disorders in patients with cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. The prospects of therapeutic strategies are discussed, the spectrum of influence of the drug Mildronate in relation to this category of patients is considered in detail.
Therapy. 2021;7(8):158-163
pages 158-163 views

Limbic-predominant age-related TDP-43 encephalopathy: new nosological form of dementia

Katunina E.


An increase in life expectancy is one of the reasons for the increase in the prevalence of cognitive disorders, primarily associated with neurodegenerative diseases. The development of methods of structural and functional neuroimaging, technologies of histochemical studies made it possible to identify new forms of dementia caused by the accumulation of toxic protein products. These dementias include limbic-predominant age-related TDP-43 encephalopathy (LATE), the diagnostic criteria for which were published in 2019. Distinctive features of LATE are late onset (in persons aged 80 years and older), the predominance of amnestic syndrome in the absence of speech and behavioral disorders, as well as a frequent combination with hippocampal sclerosis. This review is devoted to the pathogenetic and clinical features of this new form of dementia.
Therapy. 2021;7(8):164-171
pages 164-171 views

Results of observational post-registration study of the efficacy and safety of Trekrezan® medicine use in adult patients with acute respiratory viral infection

Frolova Y., Golanova N., Listradenkova D., Amon E., Malinnikova E.


The widespread prevalence of respiratory viruses, their genetic variability, which leads to the occurence of completely new viruses, such as SARS-CoV-2, determines the need to expand the range of drugs with both direct and indirect antiviral influence. Adaptogen with an immunomodulatory effect Trekrezan® (LLC Grotex, Russia) could be referred to such kind of medicines. The aim of the study was to study the efficacy and safety of Trekrezan® in ARVI treatment in adults. Material and methods. 130 patients with ARVI at the age of 18-60 years were examined. The main group included 100 patients who received Trekrezan® 200 mg according to the following scheme: on the first day - 1 tablet 3 times/day (600 mg), in the next 7 days - 1 tablet 1 time/day (200 mg). The control group included 30 patients who received symptomatic therapy, when it was necessary. The efficacy of Trekrezan® was estimated depending on the dynamics of body temperature and other clinical symptoms normalization, improvement of laboratory parameters, and the frequency of complications. Its safety was assessed by the presence or absence of adverse events, as well as the influence of the medicine on vital functions of the organism. Results. It has been shown that the use of Trekrezan® leads to a significantly faster (on average 2,2 days) elimination of the clinical manifestations of acute respiratory viral infections due to a relieve of fever, decrease of the severity of intoxication syndrome symptoms, normalization of general clinical and biochemical blood parameters (ESR, leukocyte count and CRP) comparatively with the control group. Complications of ARVI while taking the medicine were not fixed. Adverse events in the study groups were not registered, which indicates the safety of medicine use. Conclusion. Trekrezan® has proven its effectiveness and safety in the current study, which allows us to recommend it for ARVI treatment in adult patients.
Therapy. 2021;7(8):172-181
pages 172-181 views

Digest events in OCTOBER 2021

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Therapy. 2021;7(8):182-186
pages 182-186 views

On the problem of institutionalization of therapeutic disciplines: Academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences A.I. Nesterov as the founder of Soviet rheumatology

Borodulin V., Stochik A.


The features of the life path and scientific work of Academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences A.I. Nesterov are considered. It is shown that the organizational design (scientific research institute, journal, scientific society) of a new scientific discipline and the successful implementation of the scheme proposed by him for the prevention of relapses of rheumatism allow him to be considered the founder of rheumatology in the USSR. The authors believe that the skilful use by the leaders of the Soviet clinic of internal diseases of their administrative resource was one of the main mechanisms that led to the institutionalization and the allocation of new scientific disciplines (V.Kh. Vasilenko - gastroenterology; E.M. Tareev - nephrology).
Therapy. 2021;7(8):187-192
pages 187-192 views

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